Essential Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe Around Water
Grace Weatherby
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Essential Tips for Keeping Your Family Safe Around Water

As the days grow warmer, people of all ages are heading to lakes, streams, beaches and pools to find relief from the heat. While it’s easy to get swept up in all the fun that swimming, boating, and floating provide, it’s important to remember that it’s not without risk.

Over 4,500 Americans died by drowning annually between 2020 and 2022. Children ages 1 to 4 are among the groups at highest risk. In fact, drowning is the number one cause of death for American children 1 to 4 years old. In addition, adults 65 and older, and Black people of all ages are also at increased risk. 

To keep everyone safe this summer, follow these water safety tips.

General Water Safety Tips

  1. Learn to Swim: Enroll in swimming lessons if you or your children don't know how to swim. Knowing how to swim can be a lifesaver in an emergency. To find swimming lessons near your, visit one of the following sites:


United States Swim School Association

USA Swimming

The Red Cross

You can also contact local your local pool to learn when they’re hosting lessons:

Williamstown: Sand Springs Pool


Hoosick Falls: Weir-Reynolds Community Pool


Bennington: Bennington Rec - Berkshire Family YMCA

Manchester: Manchester Town Pool

  1. Supervise Children: Always keep a close eye on children when they are in or near water. Designate a responsible adult to watch over them and avoid distractions like reading or using a phone.
  2. Use Life Jackets: Ensure that everyone, especially non-swimmers and children, wears a properly fitted life jacket when boating or participating in water sports.
  3. Swim in Designated Areas: Swim in areas supervised by lifeguards whenever possible. These areas are usually safer and have help readily available in case of an emergency.
  4. Avoid Alcohol: Alcohol impairs judgment, balance, and coordination. Avoid drinking alcohol before or during water activities.

Pool Safety

  1. Install Barriers: If you have a pool at home, install a fence with a self-closing, self-latching gate to prevent unsupervised access by children.
  2. Learn CPR: Knowing CPR can be invaluable in an emergency. Consider taking a CPR course to be prepared.
  3. Keep Pool Areas Clear: Remove toys and floats from the pool area when not in use to prevent children from being tempted to enter the water unsupervised.
  4. Use Pool Covers: When the pool is not in use, cover it with a safety cover to prevent accidental falls.

Beach Safety

  1. Check Weather Conditions: Before heading to the beach, check the weather and water conditions. Avoid swimming in rough seas or during storms.
  2. Swim Near Lifeguards: Always swim in areas where lifeguards are present. They are trained to respond quickly in emergencies.
  3. Be Aware of Rip Currents: Learn how to identify and escape rip currents. If caught in one, swim parallel to the shore until you are out of the current, then swim back to shore.
  4. Stay Hydrated and Use Sunscreen: Protect yourself from the sun by applying sunscreen regularly and drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Boating Safety

  1. Wear Life Jackets: Ensure that everyone on board wears a life jacket at all times.
  2. Follow Boating Laws: Familiarize yourself with and follow local boating laws and regulations.
  3. Check Equipment: Before heading out, check that your boat is in good working condition and that you have all necessary safety equipment, including flares, a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, and a life jacket for everyone on board.
  4. Avoid Overloading: Do not overload the boat with people or equipment, as this can make it unstable and increase the risk of capsizing.

Spending time in or around water can be a great experience but it’s important to prioritize safety over fun so that the memories you make are happy ones.


Spencer Ciancola, PA, is a member of the ExpressCare team at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center.



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The Latest Testing Information

The world of COVID-19 testing is very complex and changing rapidly. But gratefully, unlike early on in the pandemic, tests are available for everyone who wants one, whether they have symptoms or not. Below is a list of common questions, along with answers from SVMC’s Laboratory Services Director Karen Bond and SVMC’s Director of Perioperative Services Tanya Cowder, MSN, RN, CNOR.

What are the reasons someone may get tested for COVID-19, even if they don't have symptoms? People without symptoms of COVID-19 are being tested when they are admitted to SVMC, before being discharged to other facilities, before scheduled surgeries, or because they may have been exposed to the virus. Primary care providers are also able to order a test for those who need to return to work or school or to end quarantine or isolation. And anyone can be tested through the Vermont Department of Health's Pop-Up Clinics.

What types of tests are available for detecting active cases of COVID-19? SVMC offers Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) testing that is processed at both outside labs and our own lab, depending on how quickly results are needed. PCR, which was pioneered by American biochemist Kary Mullis in 1983, actually amplifies and detects the presence or absence of small gene sections. In this case, it determines whether or not COVID-19 is present.

The specimen is most often taken from deep in the nose-throat passageway (nasalpharyngeal). Patients experience eye watering and a burning sensation for 30 seconds or less. The test can also be taken from inside the nose (anterior nares), depending on the patient population. The most common type of test, like those administered both at SVMC’s drive-up testing station and at the Vermont Department of Health’s Pop-Up Clinics, is greater than 90% sensitive (meaning that the test picks up the virus, if it is present) and greater than 90% specific (meaning the test detects the COVID-19 virus, as opposed to other viruses).

How do I get my results and what should I do? Results are usually provided by a primary care provider within 48 hours. Your primary care provider will share specific directions regarding what you should do next. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is sharing this table, which provides a synopsis of tests, what results mean, and guidance for what to do. If the test is positive, the Vermont Department of Health may call before the primary care provider to initiate contact tracing.

Are all of the tests sufficiently available? Yes. Anyone with an order from their primary care provider can be tested at the drive-up testing site at SVMC. Anyone can be tested at the Vermont Department of Health's Pop-Up Clinics. Visit for times, dates, and locations. Tests for inpatients at the hospital are also in adequate supply.

Important Note: Remember test results offer a snap shot of the current active viral load. A negative test result doesn’t reveal whether you have been exposed in the past or predict whether you will be infected in the future. Whether or not the result is positive, we should all continue to wash our hands frequently, wear masks when in public and in proximity to those outside of our household, and stay 6 feet from others.

What about antibody tests? Antibody tests (serology) are also available. It does not tell you if you have active disease. Antibody tests check for antibodies that appear in the blood between about 1 – 3 weeks after symptom onset and may remain as long as a lifetime. Antibody tests may be positive while a person is infected. It is not yet known whether these antibodies protect against reinfection with the COVID-19 virus. For many other similar viruses, antibodies are protective for years or longer, but we do not yet have adequate data to know for COVID-19. Patients who would like the test would get a referral from their primary care provider and come to the SVMC Lab to have blood drawn. Results are delivered by the primary care provider.

Those who receive a positive antibody test or who have recovered from COVID-19 may qualify to donate plasma with the American Red Cross. The plasma, which includes antibodies, may help those fighting the disease. Learn more at

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