SPF: It’s Not Just for Summer
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

SPF: It’s Not Just for Summer

If you equate sunscreen with summer and tuck it away once the weather turns cool, you may need to rethink your strategy.

While it’s true that UVB rays are strongest in the summer, they can cause sunburn and lead to damage any season of the year. Winter is of particular concern in our region as snow reflects up to 80% of UV rays, meaning you’re getting nearly a double dose of damaging rays on sunny days. Without proper protection, all that exposure can increase your risk of developing skin cancer and joining the ranks of the estimated 9,500 Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Tragically, one person dies of melanoma—the deadliest type of skin cancer— every hour, every day. 

To reduce your risk in winter and beyond, keep these facts in tip in mind:

Elevation matters

Snowsport lovers have a higher chance of skin damage during the winter months as UV levels rise 4-5% with every 1000 feet of elevation above sea level gained.

Every day is a sunscreen day

Regardless of the temperature or cloud cover, applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to exposed skin should be a part of your daily routine. For best results, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors.

The lips don’t lie

With very little melanin, the pigment that helps protect against sunburn, the lips are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body and the most prone to painful sunburn. To protect your lips, apply a lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher when venturing out in any season. Be sure to reapply frequently, especially if eating, drinking, or swimming.

Measure once, apply twice (at least)

Sunscreen only works if you apply the correct amount and repeat application for extended stays outside. For your face, ears and neck, use approximately ⅓ teaspoon to ½ teaspoon of sunscreen. For the full body, bump the amount up to 1 to 2 ounces (enough to fill a shot glass). Be sure to re-apply every two hours and after swimming or heavy sweating.

You missed a spot

Parts of the body commonly missed when applying sunscreen include:

  • Tops of the ears

  • Back of the hands

  • Tops of the feet

  • Lips

  • Sides of the neck

  • Behind the knees

  • Eyelids

  • Scalp

  • Upper chest.


Lixia Ellis, MD, PhD is a dermatologist at SVMC Dermatology.


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Ways to Help

At this difficult time, leaders and staff at Southwestern Vermont Health Care appreciate support from our communities. There are three major ways for members of the community to help front-line staff in their efforts to save lives.

Donate Funds
If you are able, donating money to the Southwestern Vermont Health Care Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund is the most beneficial way to ensure staff have the vital equipment they need. The COVID-19 Relief Fund will be used to create additional negative pressure rooms; purchase life-saving supplies, such as ventilators, respirators, additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); implement a surge plan to expand patient care areas, including an off-site Respiratory Evaluation Center (REC); support of employees in distress; meet the need for assistance among patients and our communities. And now the CARES Act makes donating to non-profits more beneficial financially. Donations may be made online at svhealthcare.org/give-now.

Send Food to Staff
SVMC deployed an online tool to facilitate community members sending meals to front-line staff during the COVID-19 crisis. Community members can visit mealtrain.com/trains/v1w8yz and volunteer to purchase a meal for as few as two staff members or as many as 25. All recommended restaurants will make no-contact deliveries to SVMC in Bennington, the Centers for Living and Rehabilitation in Bennington, and the Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Hoosick Falls, NY.


Donate Personal Protective Equipment
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center is requesting the community to assist with donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The hospital currently needs the following PPE: N95 Masks, typically found in industrial businesses and home workshops; Nitrile gloves in all sizes; home-sewn cotton masks; and home-sewn cloth surgical caps, known also as scrub caps and skull caps. PPE donations are accepted through Catherine Hagadorn, program coordinator for the Quality, Safety, and Value Department, by e-mailing Catherine.Hagadorn@svhealthcare.org or calling 802-447-5600.


SVHC's medical team and essential staff are extremely grateful to the community for every contribution. Thank you! 

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