10 Strategies to Stick to Your New Year's Resolution
Grace Weatherby
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2023

10 Strategies to Stick to Your New Year's Resolution

Every New Year’s Day, millions of Americans create resolutions, often related to nutrition, exercise or weight loss. Unfortunately, most struggle to maintain them, with many giving up within the first month and only a mere 8% lasting the full year. Fortunately, there are strategies you can use to boost your chances of success in 2024. Here’s where to start:

1. Identify what really matters and make it your identity

Reflect on your current state and what you want for your future. Consider why change is important to you and how it will impact your life. Next, make the desired change part of your mental self-identity. For example, if you want to get healthier by running, start saying to yourself, “I am a runner.” Spend time thinking about the kind of person that runner is and the kind of habits they embrace. For example, a runner might schedule time in their day for exercise, prioritize eating well, and getting enough sleep. Begin thinking of these habits as your own.

2. Set a clear goal based on action rather than outcome

Avoid vague resolutions like “exercise more” or “get healthy.” Create specific, action-based goals that help you to live out your new identity and get you closer to your desired future. Think about what changes are needed, and what you need to do more or less of, or even stop or start doing. For example, rather than setting a resolution to “exercise regularly,” commit to a 20-minute walk three times a week after breakfast. Clear objectives make it easier to stay focused and accountable.

3. Make your goal realistic and achievable

One way people go wrong when creating resolutions is by setting a goal that is too big, too fast. Changing new habits in a way that will last is a gradual process. Focus on one small change at a time and build up as it starts to feel easier. 

4. Plan for obstacles

Let’s face it. Life isn’t always a smooth path. It’s important to recognize that there will be obstacles. The trick is not letting them derail you from you desired goal. Set aside time each week to look ahead to anticipate challenges and create strategies to work around them. Include a plan to get right back on track if your backup plan doesn’t work out as anticipated. Each minute, each meal, each hour, each day, is a new opportunity to get right back on track with your plan.

5. Surround yourself with support

Find friends or online communities who share similar goals. Supporting each other, sharing tips, and even engaging in activities together can make the journey more motivating and makes it more likely any changes will stick.

6. Acknowledge achievements

Acknowledge every success along the way. Whether it's celebrating in the moment when you follow through on a step or stick to a plan for a week. The positive feeling you get from recognizing and acknowledging achievements provides motivation to keep going.

7. Get curious

Treat your goal as an experiment. Assess what's working and what's not working and why. Ask yourself what you like about what you are doing. What are you proud of? If you are not enjoying what you’re doing, what could you do instead? Just because something works for someone else doesn't mean it will for you. Explore different options to discover what suits you.

8. Set yourself up for success

Just like your goals, keep your plans simple and doable. Plan meals and meal prep in advance, schedule time on your calendar for physical activity, find a workout buddy, or pack a nutritious snack to avoid stopping for fast food.

9. Schedule Check-ins

Schedule weekly, monthly and quarterly check-ins with yourself (TIP: Put them in your calendar now). Take note of how you are doing. If you have gotten off track, remember that you can get right back into it again by following the steps above.

10. Seek expert guidance:

If necessary, consult experts for guidance. For example, you might seek out a registered dietician for help with your specific nutritional needs, a personal trainer for guidance on exercise, or a health coach for personalized support in implementing new healthy habits. Enlist whoever you need to help you realize your resolution.

A note about weight loss

When it comes to weight loss, remember that losing weight is not an action you can take; rather, it’s the result of other actions. Instead of setting a goal to lose 20 pounds, think about the actions that promote weight loss such as walking, strength training, engaging in more healthful and mindful eating, etc. Then set a specific goal around one of those actions. If you think that working on more than one of those areas will help you lose weight, pick one for now, and then add on a second goal once you have been consistent with the first goal for at least several weeks, or longer.

This New Year, approach healthy change with specific, achievable goals, rather than resolutions. Set yourself up for success by planning around obstacles, getting right back on track when things get you off course, and remember that consistency with small goals over time leads to habits that last.


Kristina Schmidt, RN, NBC-HWC,LMC is a National Board-Certified Health Coach who specializes in empowering those struggling with weight, pre-or type 2 diabetes, blood pressure or cholesterol to, blood pressure or cholesterol to transform their health even if they’ve struggled or failed at every diet they’ve tried.


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A Very Unusual Road Race

Matthew Vernon, MD, radiation oncologist at the Southwestern Vermont Regional Cancer Center, and his wife Elisa Donato love running road races. In just the last 2 years, the couple has completed one full marathon, nearly 30 half marathons, and a generous sprinkling of races of other distances. They love to get the finisher medals at the ends of their races and take great pride in their extensive collection of them.

In February, they set out on a trip to run a 20-mile trail race up and down a volcano on an island in shark-filled Lake Nicaragua. And they thought that race would be their most unique of the year.

Matt and Elisa were training for their second full marathon, scheduled for April 26th in New Jersey, when COVID-19 hit.

"Of course the race was canceled," Dr. Vernon remembers. "But we couldn't be marathon-ready and not run." They had toyed with the idea of organizing a race of their own, so this seemed like the time to do it.

That is how the COVID Bridges Marathon/Half Marathon/10K/5K/AnyK was born. (The name is a quippy take on the popular Covered Bridges Half Marathon that happens in Woodstock, VT, each year. And yes, their marathon course also included covered bridges.)

Once the name stuck, they designed and ordered a finisher medal for everyone who signed up.

And as long as they were going to the trouble to start a virtual/distanced road race in the middle of a pandemic, why not raise some money, too? They started a Facebook group and a GoFundMe page, set a goal of $1,000, and designated the Cancer Center as the recipient. They recommended an entry fee of $10 per person, and lots of people signed up, including many colleagues from Southwestern Vermont Health Care.

"We were originally going to pick April 26, the same day as our marathon, but we thought we had a better chance for good weather in May," Dr. Vernon shared. They picked May 9. That day turned out to include heavy snow.

As a virtual race, however, they clarified that the run could occur at the time of the participant’s choosing, over the course of their choosing, of any distance. A few even bicycled in place of running. Many participants brought their kids along.

The event raised $1,045 for the Cancer Center. And people had a good time bonding over running and walking during this unusual time.

"In the end it was a great experience," Dr. Vernon said. "We had a blast, inspired some people to get out of the house, and raised some money for a good cause. And those medals will certainly inspire unique feelings when we see them hanging there among our collection."


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