Overcoming Barriers to Exercise
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2022

Overcoming Barriers to Exercise

We all know exercise is good for us. In fact, if the positive effects of exercise could be put in pill form, it would be the most powerful drug on the market, preventing nearly every major chronic disease. But fitting exercise into our busy lives can seem impossible. Getting the recommended minimum amount of exercise takes determination and a little creativity. By shifting your outlook, you can build some healthy habits over time and be on your way to a healthier and more active life.

First let’s talk about how much exercise is recommended. Health professionals, including those at the Centers for Disease Control, suggest people get at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic activity per week. This equals 30 minutes, 5 days per week of “cardio.”  Cardio gets you breathing harder, your heart beating faster, and breaking a sweat. The talk test is a simple way to measure this. In general, if you’re doing a moderate intensity activity you can talk, but not sing, during the activity. Examples include walking briskly, water aerobics, riding a bike on level ground, and gardening. 

Now that you know what’s recommended, let’s address how you fit these workouts into your life. People cite a list of common barriers or reasons they don’t exercise as much as they know they should.

Time. We are all very busy, and many people say that they can’t find the time to exercise. One of the easiest way is to get up 30 minutes earlier. Time that you would usually be sleeping offers few appointments or other distractions. Note that you may need to go to bed earlier too, to ensure you get enough sleep.

If the morning workout doesn’t work for you, try getting three 10-minute sessions, instead. You could walk during a lunch break, ride a stationary bike during commercials while watching a favorite show, or have a mini dance party while waiting for dinner to cook (kids, especially, are eager to join in on this one!) These are just a few examples of 10-minute spans of time you could use to reach your 30-minute goal. Use your imagination!

Motivation. For many people, the type of exercise they choose and the people they are exercising with need to be fun and engaging. Consider joining a local running, skiing, or hiking group, or a bowling league. Plan social activities involving exercise, including a family hike, sledding party, or snowshoeing adventure. That way, it is not just exercise; it is exercise and entertainment. And exercising with people you enjoy is good not only for physical health but social and emotional health, too. The more benefits you see, the more likely you are to do it!

Technology offers new tools people use to stay motivated. Explore the many fitness and activity trackers or smartphone apps, like Map My Run, which offer fun and interactive challenges and help you see the progress you’re making. And don’t underestimate a great playlist of your favorite music to keep you moving.

Money. You may be thinking, “I don’t have the money for all this!” Many forms of exercise—including walking, climbing stairs, jogging, and running—require little equipment other than a good pair of sneakers. Look for free exercise classes like Bone Builders. If you are a Vermont woman, contact You First, a program that provides free gym memberships and other benefits to low- and middle-income women who qualify. Plus, many gyms offer discounted rates based on income or for residents, families, seniors, and employees of the area’s major employers. You may need to make a small investment, but it is worth it!

Weather. Winter in Vermont can seem to last forever. There are many ways to stay active when it’s cold or rainy. If you enjoy walking outside in the summer, dress for the winter weather, bundle up, and go! The streets can be very peaceful in snowy weather.  Ice cleats on your boots and hiking sticks with ice pick tips can help prevent falls outside. Snowshoes allow you to explore snowy areas and the resistance snow provides, like sand on a beach, actually improves your workout. Many libraries lend snowshoes for free. You can also beat the cold weather by purchasing used (often barely used) indoor exercise equipment. Even new equipment, which is often on sale this time of year, can be worth the investment, if you are able to afford it.

Fear of Injury: For those with injuries in their past, exercise can seem risky. But, for almost everyone, the health benefits of physical activity far outweigh the risks of getting hurt. If you have an injury or chronic disease, talk with your doctor about your concerns. They will give you tips and encouragement to get started or recommend a specialist who can help you on your way. For instance, if you are struggling with arthritis, back pain, musculoskeletal injuries, or impaired balance, a referral to a physical therapist can help you develop ways to be as active as you can be and establish an individualized home exercise program. 

Those with trouble breathing might benefit from a pulmonary rehabilitation program, which combines exercise and education specifically for people with chronic lung conditions. Those with a history of heart disease may qualify for cardiac rehabilitation. In both programs, highly skilled clinical professionals monitor your vital signs to ensure you are exercising safely and give you confidence to exercise on your own.

Now, with the knowledge to overcome the most common barriers to exercise, you are ready to make an exercise plan that will work for you. Remember, physical activity is the closest thing we have to a wonder drug. All it takes is some creativity and determination. Here’s to a happier, healthier and more active you!

Caitlyn Boyd, DPT is a staff physical therapist and the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program Coordinator at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington, VT.  For more information about community exercise options and physical therapy, cardiac rehabilitation, or pulmonary rehabilitation services, please contact Caitlyn at (802) 447-5140 or Caitlyn.Boyd@svhealthcare.org.    


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Keep Up the Good Work: Staying Safe as Restrictions Loosen

Like many in Vermont, the leaders and staff at Southwestern Vermont Health Care couldn’t be happier that the number of cases of COVID-19 fell below even our best expectations. The better-than-expected situation we have experienced in Vermont is thanks to all who followed recommendations as closely as possible. However, many with “isolation fatigue” may be ready to relax their own behavior, especially at hearing about the loosening of restrictions. In reality, the precautions we have been taking are as important right now as they were at the beginning of the pandemic. We’d like to take a moment to reiterate what precautions are still in place and remind everyone how important it is to continue being as careful as ever.

Keep Your Hands Clean. As restrictions have increased, calls for frequent handwashing and respiratory etiquette (covering your coughs and sneezes with a tissue, if possible, and throwing the tissue away) seem to have let up. While these actions alone will not prevent someone from contracting COVID-19, they are still the best actions to prevent acquiring an infection. If you have relaxed your handwashing habit, now’s the time to beef it back up again!

“Stay Home, Stay Safe.” The order to limit trips from home remains in effect through at least May 15. Some iteration of this guideline is likely to persist for some time beyond that. This means we should be leaving our home only for the following reasons: for personal safety, to get food or medicine, to seek medical care, to exercise, to care for others, or to go to work.

Cover Your Face. While outside the home, wear a cloth mask or face covering. People who do not have symptoms can spread COVID-19, so face coverings keep you from spreading the illness if you are ill without knowing it. Masks also keep you from touching your eyes, nose, and mouth and potentially infecting yourself or others.

Keep Your Distance. Even while wearing face coverings, we should all continue to keep at least 6 feet from others. The distance is about the same as the length of a long couch. If you could touch the person when both your arms are outstretched, you are still about 2 feet too close.

Stay Home Some More. You may have COVID-19 if you have a cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing or at least two of the following: fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, and a sudden loss of taste or smell.  Call your provider. In addition, the Centers for Disease Control has launched a self-checker tool to help guide you through making decisions based on your symptoms. If you have any questions, call the SVHC COVID-19 Informational Hotline at 802-440-8844.

Seek Immediate Medical Attention. If you have difficulty breathing, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion or inability to arouse, or bluish lips or face, call 9-1-1 or your local Emergency Department and go to the hospital. SVMC’s number is 802-447-6361.

While the likelihood of contracting COVID-19 in our area is relatively low right now, we all need to remain vigilant in order to keep it that way. How well we adhere to the restrictions that remain is likely to make a big difference in how many of our friends and neighbors are sickened. In short, keep up the good work!

Marie George, MD, is SVMC’s infectious disease specialist.

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