Childhood Obesity | More than just diet
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Childhood Obesity | More than just diet

There’s a disease plaguing the youth of America, and it’s hiding in plain sight.

Childhood obesity affects 1 in every 5 U.S. children. Not simply the result of being lazy or poor choices, childhood obesity isn’t something children grow out of as an adult. Somewhere between 50-80% of children who have obesity are likely to become obese adults.

Beyond the social stigma that comes with being overweight in America, childhood obesity carries real physical and mental health risks. Obese children are at an increased risk of developing various health problems in adulthood, including heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. They’re also 32% more likely to have depression than children at a healthier weight, and at an increased risk for low self-esteem, eating disorders, and anxiety.

More than diet

While diet and lifestyle habits certainly play into risks at any age, there’s more to the disease.

Research has found that children with a family history of obesity are more likely to develop the condition. Some may even carry genes that make their bodies gain weight more easily than others.  

Genes can also lead to rare genetic conditions, such as Prader-Willi syndrome, that can cause severe childhood obesity. 

Other medical conditions, not always inherited, and even certain medications can increase a child's appetite and increase the risk for obesity.

A family approach to battling childhood obesity

While changing a child’s genetic makeup isn’t on the table (yet), there are things parents and caregivers can do to help reverse obesity in children and teens. The first step is being invested and involved.

Studies have found that family-based efforts involving the child and at least one family member can be especially effective at helping children and teens lose weight. These programs often include nutritional and physical activity education, parent skills training, counseling, goal-setting, and behavioral changes. By modeling health choices and behaviors, parents and caregivers create a supportive environment for lifestyle changes.

For example, family meals provide the perfect setting to discuss healthy eating choices and provide children with the opportunity to be involved in meal planning.

Regular group physical activities, such as walking the dog, riding bikes, spontaneous dance parties, and walking to school or stores instead of driving, are great ways to spend time together while boosting weight loss and improving cardiovascular health. Start slowly and steadily increasing activity time to at least 30 minutes a day.



Limit screen time to increase health

Studies have shown that the rate of obesity is 8.3 times greater for children who watch television for 5 hours a day versus children who watch television for 2 hours or less a day.



Children with obesity often face stigma, which can impact their emotional and social well-being. Stigmatization can lead to low self-esteem, depression, and avoidance of physical activities, which may worsen the condition. Be open and honest with your child about any lifestyle changes you introduce. Instead of focusing on their weight, discuss how the changes will lead to better health for the whole family.  

A focus on empathy can help parents support their children while helping them develop a positive self-image and lead healthier lives.

For help or guidance on getting ahead of childhood obesity, talk to your child’s doctor.  


Kristin Andrew, MSN, APRN, is a member of the care team at SVMC Obstetrics and Gynecology.  



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How to Maintain a Healthy Immune System

There are so many things that we have little control over. We can't control what genes we get, how old we are, or what viruses are circulating in our environment, but there is a lot we can do to prevent illness. Remarkably, many of the same habits that protect you from diseases like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease also help your immune system fight infections.

Most viruses can't hurt you until they get inside your body. So, we can help our immune system if we avoid viruses and cut off the ways they travel. Viruses can spread through the air, but not usually for very far. Keep your distance—at least 6 feet—from others, and be a good neighbor by wearing a mask in all public areas.

Viruses that cause the most common illnesses—respiratory infections, including the common cold, flu, and the new COVID-19—travel into the body through your mouth, nose, and eyes and make their way to the areas they infect, like the lungs. The best way to break this chain is to clean your hands frequently, and don't touch your face with hands that have touched anything else. In addition, you can reduce the number of viruses in your environment by cleaning frequently touched objects with a bleach- or alcohol-based cleaner.

Vaccinations are your next line of defense. Immunizations, like the flu shot, introduce a small and harmless part of a virus or bacteria. The vaccine gives your immune system an opportunity to make antibodies against the virus. A vaccinated immune system responds more quickly and effectively when illnesses are introduced. What's more, when we all get vaccinated, we decrease the likelihood that anyone will get sick. If you are unsure about whether you or your children are up to date on their vaccinations, call your primary care provider’s office.

Your third line of defense is living a healthy lifestyle. It is clear that the same things that help the rest of our bodies function also improve the strength of our immune response. Likewise, things that hinder our bodies' ability to function compromise the immune system.

Regular exercise might be the most powerful way to maintain a healthy immune system. By increasing heart rate and blood flow, we allow the cells and substances of the immune system to move through the body freely and do their job efficiently. Similarly, things that slow the movement of cells and substances, like smoking or drinking alcohol in excess, may decrease the body’s ability to function and decreases the immune response, as well.

Getting adequate sleep may also positively affect the immune response. Chronic sleep deprivation has been shown to decrease the beneficial boost in immunity from vaccinations.

Our emotional state, too—whether we are stressed, lonely, or depressed, for instance—affects our immune response so much that a relatively new specialty called psychoneuroimmunology now studies the connection. One pioneering study, conducted in the early 1980s, found that college students operating within a stressful 3-day exam period had fewer of the cells that fight tumors and viral infections. In simple terms, the students almost stopped producing immunity boosters and infection fighters.

Finally, physicians have concluded that eating a mostly plant-based diet—including fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, whole grains, and lean protein—supports overall health and may also support immunity. Nutritious foods include important vitamins that the immune system needs to function, such as beta carotene, vitamin C, vitamin D, and zinc. Note, however, that supplements that claim to improve immune function have not yet been shown to do so to the extent necessary to protect against infection and disease. It is better to eat whole foods that are rich in vitamins rather than take supplements.

Always consult with your provider before making changes to your exercise plan or trying a new supplement and if you have any medical concerns. Physicians and the other professionals working in their offices also provide help for developing a plan for a healthier life. Call your primary care office or 802-447-5007 to find a primary care provider.

Healthy habits, like those that protect your body from disease and infection, are not always easy to adopt or maintain. Perhaps knowing just how important they are to maintaining a healthy immune response will provide the extra motivation necessary to make them a priority.

Kim Fodor, MD, is an internal medicine physician at SVMC Internal Medicine.

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