Emergency Department Renovation: First Visible Changes
/ Categories: NEWS, 2021, ED

Emergency Department Renovation: First Visible Changes

The first visible changes in a 24-month project to renovate and expand Southwestern Vermont Medical Center’s Emergency Department and Main Entrance occurred this week. Workers prepared for construction by erecting fences around three areas: the Lodge building, which is scheduled for demolition next week; a lawn that will be used for construction traffic; and a staff parking lot, which will be transformed, over the next few months, into a temporary main entrance to the hospital complex.

About 40 staff and patient parking spots were reassigned to other lots. Patients will notice that some sidewalks will be closed throughout the construction. Signs on construction fences point the way to alternative routes.

Regular updates will appear in SVHC’s e-newsletter, in social media and on svhealthcare.org. Questions may be sent to wellness@svhealthcare.org.



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The Centers for Living and Rehabilitation

On Thursday afternoon, James Buccolo, a patient who had been recovering from COVID-19 at the Center’s for Living and Rehabilitation for several weeks, was discharged. A large group of CLR’s staff gathered outside and cheered him as he left. He turned around to them and made a short speech of thanks. See part of it here.

This touching story is just one small example of the important work happening at both of SVHC’s nursing facilities: the Centers for Living and Rehabilitation in Bennington and the Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Hoosick Falls. These places offer even more than exceptional health care. They offer a home and a family to many.

During National Skilled Nursing Care Week, we express humbling gratitude to the professionals who work with our elders and those with disabilities in our long-term and sub-acute care facilities. Their work requires skill and commitment. To do the job well, they know, also requires them to dedicate their whole hearts to it. And they do, every day.

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