Our Favorite Resolutions
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2021

Our Favorite Resolutions

Still searching for your New Year’s resolution? Our medical staff contributed their ideas for the most useful resolutions and offered their ideas about how to make them a part of your life. 

Moving more. We all know exercise is good for us. Taking the first step can be difficult. Lisa Downing-Forget, MD, of SVMC Internal Medicine, reminds her patients, “exercise, which releases stress, is not the same as work, which creates stress, so remember to move just for you—not just because you have to!” Begin by carving out a specific time for exercise and just put on your sneakers at that time. That’s step one. “Once you’ve gotten into that habit,” she explains, “choose your movement.”  It could be dancing to your favorite music or flipping on an easy beginner workout video. (There are many free options available. Try fitnessblender.com, if you don’t know where to begin.) If you have hesitation or questions about activities that you should or should not be doing, ask your health care provider. “As you gain confidence, change up your movement and explore all of the really good feelings that come with moving regularly.”

More fruits and veggies. Eating more fruits and vegetables is a great resolution. “Fruits and vegetables contain fiber, water, and valuable nutrients. They are also really satisfying and can help you feel fuller longer,” said Registered Dietitian Kristin Irace. “Once you get used to eating more healthy foods, you might also find it easier to give up processed foods, which can be harmful when consumed in large quantities,” she continued. “If you don’t eat any fruit or vegetables now, aim for one serving a day. If you eat some, focus on finding new vegetable-oriented recipes to try.”

Preparing meals at home. Cooking more of your own meals, rather than eating out, comes with impressive health, quality of life, and financial benefits. “Most restaurant meals are not designed with health in mind,” Irace explains. Cooking your meals at home allows you to control exactly what is going into your dish. “The most delicious and flavorful home-cooked meals are bound to have more healthy ingredients and fewer of those that require caution, like saturated fat and salt, than those cooked out.” Plus, cooking is fun and provides great quality time with those you love. “Plus,” Irace says, “you will save money too.”

Avoiding sweet beverages. A lot of people drink tons of unnecessary calories in the form of sugary coffee, energy drinks, or soda. “If you drink more than one sweetened beverage each day, begin by cutting back,” Irace recommends. “If you drink one per day or less, what about making your sugary drink a Friday treat?” She continues, “aim for 30ml of water per kilogram of your body weight per day.”  This healthy step can help you maintain a healthy weight and cut your risk of obesity, cancer, diabetes, and other diseases.

A better sleep routine. “Sound sleep is so important to good health,” says Dr. Downing-Forget. In fact, it’s fundamental. “Developing a really good sleep routine could be the important first step to improve your health and your satisfaction with life, because a good night’s sleep has the power to drive other positive changes.” Many people turn to medications for better sleep, but medications often work for just a short time or don’t get to the root of the problem. “Medications are not the only answer. Ask your provider about ways to get better sleep without medications.” Getting better sleep is one of the more complex resolutions, because it could require a lot of other changes to your lifestyle, but with great challenges come the possibility of great rewards!

Enjoying the outdoors. Kim Fodor, MD, of SVMC Internal Medicine, recommends making a weekly date with nature. Just 2 hours a week in the outdoors has the potential to increase your health and wellbeing. “You are likely to feel more calm and notice an increased ability to concentrate,” Fodor says. “Nature time can also reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, irritability, blood pressure, and feelings of isolation.”

Be sure to ask for help when you need it. Regardless of which resolution you are approaching this year, your primary care provider is ready to help you obtain the information you need to meet your goal and attain greater wellness and life satisfaction.


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Interview with Jeff Silverman: 3D Printer

Jeff Silverman is a Wilmington native, a volunteer firefighter, and a business owner. From an addition to his Whitingham, Vermont, farm house, his company, Inertia Unlimited, develops camera technology for broadcast television.

"We make them out of thin air," he says.

Actually, he uses a 3D printer to make prototypes and one-of-a-kind cameras for very specific purposes, including those that sit in the dirt in front of a batter during Major League Baseball games and the ones built into NASCAR racetracks.

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jeff has printed 463 face shields for first responders in the Deerfield Valley and healthcare workers at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center and other places. He has delivered them free of charge.

When and how did you first become interested in printing shields for first responders? In one day, every job we had disappeared. We went from having 20 – 30 jobs to zero in one day. Our first thought was that we would use the materials and talent we typically use to sew the pouches for our cameras to make masks. But we quickly found that the proper materials and techniques were not available to make effective masks. Plus so many other people were making them. They had it covered.

On Sunday, March 22, I read in the New York Times that a company in Syracuse, NY, had made a design to 3D print face shields available online. By noon that day I was printing. Since then the printer has not stopped.

How does it work? The printer converts the design into a 3D object using filament that is the width of a human hair, adding layer by layer. The printer takes 2 hours to print one shield. I have produced 380 shields so far. That's 1000 hours of printing. I take from midnight to 5 a.m. off. We've done more 3D printing in the last month and a half than we had in the previous 5 years.

Describe the shields. It was important to me to produce something that was good quality. Sometimes the ones you buy don’t clean up very well. These can survive UV light and other sterilization. They are rough and tough.

Where have you distributed them? First I gave them to the firefighters in Wilmington and Whitingham, where I am a volunteer. Then I gave some to the Deerfield Valley Rescue. I have sent 324 to Southwestern Vermont Health Care, some to SVMC Deerfield Valley Campus; Golden Cross Ambulance Service and Sojourns Community Clinic, both in Westminster, VT; and Rescue Inc. in Brattleboro. I sent some to a dentist in Portland, ME, who asked, and 10 to North Central Bronx Hospital to a friend who works there.

What's your greatest accomplishment? I went to Wilmington High School in the late 70s, and Dave Larson, who was the social studies teacher and former longtime VT state representative, had a video camera. He let me borrow it to film field hockey games. At the end of the season, they gave me a varsity letter for my film work. I have won Emmys since, but that varsity letter is special, because it represented the beginning.

What's next? We look forward to reopening. For us, it's the easiest thing in the world. No client ever comes here. We didn't lay anybody off. We hired locals. All are full-time with benefits. We think Vermont is a great place for low-impact companies like ours, and we hope more companies discover Vermont and come here to provide well-paid jobs.

And I am really looking forward to turning the printer off.

On behalf of Southwestern Vermont Health Care's frontline staff, thank you to Jeff for his tireless efforts to provide vital equipment to our teams. We appreciate it!

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