Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Safely
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Celebrate St. Patrick’s Day Safely

St. Patrick’s Day is approaching. As you plan how you’ll celebrate the day, be sure to keep how you’ll get home safely when the fun is over.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunk driving is a leading cause of accidents and deaths on St. Patrick's Day.

Between 2017 and 2021, 272 Americans died as a result of drunk-driving crashes during the St. Patrick’s Day holiday, with the highest percentage of accidents occurring on St. Patrick’s Day night.

Even if you’re not driving, it’s important to avoid overindulging, as walking while intoxicated can also be deadly. Drinking can impair your ability to assess the speed of approaching cars and slow your reaction time, making it difficult to cross roads safely. And the more you drink, the higher your risk. One study found that out of 176 pedestrian fatalities, 86 of those involved pedestrians who had been drinking, nearly all of whom had BACs of 0.10 percent or more.


There are ways to celebrate safely. These include:

  • Always drive 100% sober: Even one alcoholic beverage could be one too many. 

  • Plan ahead: Before you have even one drink, designate a sober driver to get you home safely. If you wait until you’ve been drinking to make this decision, you might not make the best one.

  • Be responsible: If it’s your turn to be the designated driver, take your job seriously and don’t drink. There are plenty of non-alcoholic beverages available that you will allow you to raise a glass and enjoy the fun without raising your blood alcohol content.

  • Make alternate plans. If your designated driver is unavailable, call a taxi or rideshare.

  • Set a limit. Before you head out, determine how many drinks you want to have in total throughout the day or how much you want to spend. Taking only the amount of cash needed for your plan or taking a pre-paid gift card can be a helpful signal it’s time to stop.

  • Pace yourself. Avoid drinking games and shots. Stick to one standard alcoholic beverage per hour with non-alcoholic drinks in between. Water is your friend.

  • Don’t forget to eat and stay hydrated. Breaking up your beverages with food and plenty of water will help your body handle alcohol better and ensure you enjoy the day a bit more safely.

  • Protect your friends (and others): If someone who has been drinking is about to drive, take their keys and find them safe transportation home. If you’re concerned someone has consumed alcohol to excess, seek emergency help. Finally, if you see someone driving drunk, contact local law enforcement.


You’re not spoiling the fun; you’re potentially saving a life.


Sean Burns, MD, is the SVMC EMS Medical Director/District 12 Medical Advisor. 


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Six Questions with General Surgeon Gina Diaz, MD

Both outpatient surgical procedures and those requiring an overnight stay are once again being offered at SVMC. General Surgeon Gina Diaz, MD, answers six questions about resuming surgical procedures safely.

1. How does it feel to be able to, once again, offer all of the procedures you had in the past?

As a surgeon, I like to do surgeries. So, to be honest, it feels wonderful get back to the work I enjoy. From late March through the beginning of May, we were still performing emergency surgeries, so everyone who needed a surgery was able to receive one during that time. But it's good to be back to a mix of scheduled and emergency procedures.


2. What types of procedures you perform?

My mentor during training sub-specialized in colon and rectal surgeries, and he passed that expertise and interest on to me. But I decided not to sub-specialize, because I also enjoy doing gall bladders, ulcer surgery, hernias, and the removal of skin lesions, cysts, and melanomas. Dr. Charles Salem and I work as a team on breast cancer surgeries. As a group, we provide thyroid and parathyroid and endocrine surgeries. And I provide colonoscopies. I grew up playing video games, which have a lot in common with colonoscopies, I think.


3. What do you like most about your job?

Surgery allows you to fix a problem for a patient right then and there. You don't have to wait 6 months for the problem to get better. You can make a problem go away. It’s very rewarding in that way.


4. In general, what additional precautions have been put in place to ensure that care is safe?

As surgeons, our precautionary measures have always been among the most advanced. We have always washed and sanitized many, many times a day. We were accustomed to wearing masks and shields, long before COVID-19. We implemented all of the recommendations from our industry, state, and national health institutions and review them consistently.

The whole team takes and reports their temperature daily. If patients are at risk of COVID-19, we wear N95 masks and can convert the operating room into a negative-pressure room. All of these precautions ensure that we don’t transmit infections to patients and they don't transmit them to us. I feel really good about the precautions that we have put in place.


5. What would you like to share with people who postponed care because of COVID-19?

I would share that it is safe to come to the hospital, see your providers, and have surgeries done. Adequate precautions are in place, and they are not going anywhere. We, as a group, feel it's safe. We encourage patients who are apprehensive to ask a lot of questions. We want them to be as comfortable as we are about having their procedure done.


6. How do you feel about providing care during this time?

I feel comfortable and safe providing care at this time. The new precautions we have put in place really protect both patients and staff, and the quality of care we provide is as high as ever. 

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