When to Test and How
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2021

When to Test and How

Healthcare systems are attempting to walk a fine line. We want everyone who needs a COVID-19 test to get one. Testing helps people determine whether they need to isolate from others and whether it’s safe to resume our lives after a suspected exposure. At the same time, nervousness and anxiety are inspiring people to get a PCR test when they may not need one. This causes unnecessarily long waits at testing centers. Here’s the latest.

Get a PCR test if:

  • You have symptoms of COVID-19, even after vaccination.
  • You have been informed that you are a close contact (within 6 feet for a total of at least 15 minutes) of someone with a confirmed case of COVID, even after vaccination.

Note that if you have tested positive in the past 90 days, you may test positive again, even after you have recovered without having been reinfected. Because reinfection within 90 days is so rare, getting tested within this timeframe may not be worthwhile.

A new web-based tool available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention helps people decide whether or not they need a PCR test for COVID-19. We’ve linked to it at svhealthcare.org/COVID-Resource-Center.

You may also need a negative COVID test if you are returning to college or boarding school or if you are traveling via plane, for instance. Some workplaces or family gatherings also require a negative test.

If you took part in activities that put you at higher risk—like travel or attending a big gathering in a crowded indoor setting—but have not been alerted to any potential exposure or you would like assurance that you’re not infected before attending an event, an at-home antigen test is likely sufficient to provide the reassurance you need.  

Following these recommendations will ensure everyone gets the tests they need while preserving local testing capacity for those who need it most.

Karen Bond is the director of Laboratory Services at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, part of Southwestern Vermont Health Care, in Bennington.


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Ways to Help

At this difficult time, leaders and staff at Southwestern Vermont Health Care appreciate support from our communities. There are three major ways for members of the community to help front-line staff in their efforts to save lives.

Donate Funds
If you are able, donating money to the Southwestern Vermont Health Care Foundation COVID-19 Relief Fund is the most beneficial way to ensure staff have the vital equipment they need. The COVID-19 Relief Fund will be used to create additional negative pressure rooms; purchase life-saving supplies, such as ventilators, respirators, additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE); implement a surge plan to expand patient care areas, including an off-site Respiratory Evaluation Center (REC); support of employees in distress; meet the need for assistance among patients and our communities. And now the CARES Act makes donating to non-profits more beneficial financially. Donations may be made online at svhealthcare.org/give-now.

Send Food to Staff
SVMC deployed an online tool to facilitate community members sending meals to front-line staff during the COVID-19 crisis. Community members can visit mealtrain.com/trains/v1w8yz and volunteer to purchase a meal for as few as two staff members or as many as 25. All recommended restaurants will make no-contact deliveries to SVMC in Bennington, the Centers for Living and Rehabilitation in Bennington, and the Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation in Hoosick Falls, NY.


Donate Personal Protective Equipment
Southwestern Vermont Medical Center is requesting the community to assist with donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The hospital currently needs the following PPE: N95 Masks, typically found in industrial businesses and home workshops; Nitrile gloves in all sizes; home-sewn cotton masks; and home-sewn cloth surgical caps, known also as scrub caps and skull caps. PPE donations are accepted through Catherine Hagadorn, program coordinator for the Quality, Safety, and Value Department, by e-mailing Catherine.Hagadorn@svhealthcare.org or calling 802-447-5600.


SVHC's medical team and essential staff are extremely grateful to the community for every contribution. Thank you! 

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