Separating Fact from Fiction: Common Myths About Alzheimer's Disease Debunked
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Separating Fact from Fiction: Common Myths About Alzheimer's Disease Debunked

A progressive neurological disorder, Alzheimer's disease is often misunderstood due to various long-held myths and misconceptions. These myths can hinder understanding and delay diagnosis and treatment.

Here, we address six of the most common myths about disease.

Myth 1: Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Are the Same

A common misconception is that Alzheimer's disease and dementia are interchangeable terms. Dementia is a general term for a decline in mental ability severe enough to interfere with daily life, while Alzheimer's is the most common cause of dementia. Other types of dementia include vascular dementia, Lewy body dementia, and frontotemporal dementia.

Myth 2: Only Older Adults Develop Alzheimer's

While age is a significant risk factor*, Alzheimer's is not exclusive to the elderly. Early-onset Alzheimer's can occur in individuals as young as 30, although it is rare. Approximately 5% of people with Alzheimer's have early-onset forms of the disease, however, this is more likely to be related to genetic risk factors than the late onset variant.

Myth 3: Memory Loss Is a Normal Part of Aging

While some memory loss can be expected with aging, Alzheimer's-related memory loss is different. It involves more severe and persistent memory problems that interfere with daily life. It is crucial to differentiate between normal age-related forgetfulness and Alzheimer's symptoms.

Myth 4: Alzheimer's Is Solely a Genetic Disease

Although genetics can play a role in the development of Alzheimer's, it is not solely a hereditary disease. Lifestyle factors such as diet, exercise, and exposure to environmental risks also contribute to the risk. Having a parent with Alzheimer's does not guarantee that one will develop the disease.

Myth 5: There Is No Hope or Treatment for Alzheimer's

While it’s true there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's, there are treatments available that can manage symptoms and improve quality of life. Medications can help with cognitive symptoms, and ongoing research is exploring new treatment avenues. Early diagnosis and intervention can significantly enhance the quality of life for those affected.

Current medications cannot stop worsening of symptoms or bring lost memory back, but can help to slow the progression of the disease.  Beginning these medications earlier in the disease course may help to preserve daily functioning and allow for planning for the future.  Equally as important as medications are support networks, addressing safety issues, and proper living arrangements.

Myth 6: Alzheimer's Can Be Prevented

No definitive prevention method exists today. However, certain lifestyle choices may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's. These include maintaining a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and managing cardiovascular health. However, these strategies do not guarantee prevention.

Dispelling myths about Alzheimer's disease is crucial for improving understanding and support for those affected. By recognizing the facts, individuals and caregivers can seek appropriate medical advice early, which can lead to better management of the disease and enhanced quality of life for patients and their families.


Jennie Smyth is a PA with the neurology department of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center


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A Very Unusual Road Race

Matthew Vernon, MD, radiation oncologist at the Southwestern Vermont Regional Cancer Center, and his wife Elisa Donato love running road races. In just the last 2 years, the couple has completed one full marathon, nearly 30 half marathons, and a generous sprinkling of races of other distances. They love to get the finisher medals at the ends of their races and take great pride in their extensive collection of them.

In February, they set out on a trip to run a 20-mile trail race up and down a volcano on an island in shark-filled Lake Nicaragua. And they thought that race would be their most unique of the year.

Matt and Elisa were training for their second full marathon, scheduled for April 26th in New Jersey, when COVID-19 hit.

"Of course the race was canceled," Dr. Vernon remembers. "But we couldn't be marathon-ready and not run." They had toyed with the idea of organizing a race of their own, so this seemed like the time to do it.

That is how the COVID Bridges Marathon/Half Marathon/10K/5K/AnyK was born. (The name is a quippy take on the popular Covered Bridges Half Marathon that happens in Woodstock, VT, each year. And yes, their marathon course also included covered bridges.)

Once the name stuck, they designed and ordered a finisher medal for everyone who signed up.

And as long as they were going to the trouble to start a virtual/distanced road race in the middle of a pandemic, why not raise some money, too? They started a Facebook group and a GoFundMe page, set a goal of $1,000, and designated the Cancer Center as the recipient. They recommended an entry fee of $10 per person, and lots of people signed up, including many colleagues from Southwestern Vermont Health Care.

"We were originally going to pick April 26, the same day as our marathon, but we thought we had a better chance for good weather in May," Dr. Vernon shared. They picked May 9. That day turned out to include heavy snow.

As a virtual race, however, they clarified that the run could occur at the time of the participant’s choosing, over the course of their choosing, of any distance. A few even bicycled in place of running. Many participants brought their kids along.

The event raised $1,045 for the Cancer Center. And people had a good time bonding over running and walking during this unusual time.

"In the end it was a great experience," Dr. Vernon said. "We had a blast, inspired some people to get out of the house, and raised some money for a good cause. And those medals will certainly inspire unique feelings when we see them hanging there among our collection."


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