Would You Recognize a Heart Attack?
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Would You Recognize a Heart Attack?

Given how important the heart is to all our bodily functions, it’s hard to imagine you could miss something as major as a heart attack. But, according to the American Heart Association, some heart attacks are sudden and intense, but others start slowly, with mild pain or discomfort. If you’re not familiar with all the ways a heart attack might be experienced, you could lose valuable time and heart muscle by not seeking care as soon as symptoms appear.

Here's what you need to be alert for:

Common Signs of a Heart Attack

  • Chest Discomfort: This is the most common symptom and can manifest as pressure, squeezing, fullness, or pain in the center or left side of the chest. The discomfort may last more than a few minutes or go away and return.

  • Pain in Other Areas: Discomfort can also radiate to other parts of the upper body, such as one or both arms, the back, neck, jaw, or stomach.

  • Shortness of Breath: This may occur with or without chest discomfort and can be a significant indicator of a heart attack.

  • Cold Sweats and Nausea: Breaking out in a cold sweat, nausea, or lightheadedness are additional symptoms that may accompany a heart attack.

  • Unexplained Fatigue: Feeling unusually tired or weak, even after adequate rest.

  • Dizziness or Lightheadedness: Feeling dizzy or faint, especially when standing up quickly or during exertion, can indicate a heart problem.

  • Indigestion or Stomach Discomfort: Symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, or a feeling of fullness can be mistaken for gastrointestinal issues but may indicate a heart attack. 

Symptoms in Women

While chest pain is the most common symptom for both men and women, women may experience additional symptoms that are less typical, such as nausea, vomiting, back or jaw pain, and extreme fatigue. These symptoms can sometimes lead to misdiagnosis or delayed treatment.

Silent Heart Attacks

Some heart attacks are "silent," meaning they occur without the classic symptoms like chest pain. Instead, individuals may experience symptoms that seem unrelated, such as prolonged fatigue and indigestion.

Recognizing these signs and responding promptly can significantly improve outcomes during a heart attack. If you suspect you or someone else is having a heart attack, it is critical to act quickly:

  • Call 911 Immediately: This is the fastest way to receive lifesaving treatment. Emergency medical services can begin treatment upon arrival and ensure rapid transport to a hospital.

  • Take Aspirin if Recommended: Chewing an aspirin can help reduce heart damage by preventing blood clotting, but only take it if advised by a healthcare provider or emergency personnel.

  • Do Not Drive Yourself: If possible, have someone else drive you to the hospital or wait for an ambulance.


 Scott Rogge, MD, FACC, is the Medical Director at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center Cardiology.


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What to Expect During Your Outpatient Visit

Now that cases of COVID-19 in the state have plateaued and Governor Phil Scott has given the go-ahead to resume elective procedures, the physicians and nurses at Southwestern Vermont Health Care are eager to provide the elective procedures that were postponed at the onset of the pandemic.

At the same time, we recognize that we need to implement enhanced precautions to ensure safety. See news about the universal safety precautions we are taking here.

Two areas in particular, outpatient surgery and diagnostics (which include the lab and imaging departments), have put additional precautions in place to ensure patient and staff safety.

Outpatient Surgery

3 – 4 Days Before Procedure. Patients will be given directions to get a drive-up swab test for COVID-19. The test should be conducted 3 – 4 days before your surgery. There is no out-of-pocket charge. Patients are given a cloth mask and are asked to wear it and self-isolate until surgery. Results for most tests are expected to be negative. Your surgeon will be in touch with you if there is a positive result. Procedures for those who have tested positive will be rescheduled.

Day of Procedure. Patients should come to the procedure alone, unless they need to be accompanied for safety reasons. Both patients and companions should wear a cloth face covering to the hospital. They are screened for symptoms at the main entrance. Patients will be given a medical-grade procedure mask to wear once they are checked into the unit.

Post Procedure. After the procedure, we will continue to be available to you. You will be provided a link that can be accessed via your cell phone or Internet. The link includes a brief questionnaire to help us assess your progress and guide you to a smooth recovery.

Diagnostic Imaging and Lab Work

Like those receiving an outpatient procedure, every imaging patient will be screened over the phone before arriving at the hospital. Lab patients with appointments will also be pre-screened on the phone. All patients should come for lab and imaging alone, unless a support person is needed for safety reasons. Patients should wear a cloth face covering to the hospital and for the entire duration of their stay. Patients are screened again at the main entrance.

Patients will notice some changes in the waiting rooms. Chairs have been spaced 6 feet apart to comply with social distancing. Reading material has been removed to discourage touching things that have been touched by others. In addition, the exam rooms are being deep cleaned after every patient, and the waiting rooms and high-traffic areas are disinfected hourly.

The clinical professionals at SVHC are confident that these measures, along with continued social distancing, will allow patients to receive the care they need in a safe and timely way.

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