The Holiday Blues
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2022

The Holiday Blues

The holidays can overwhelm. Social commitments, financial pressures, tension among family members, and routine-disrupting events can leave us feeling exhausted. Those who are struggling with grief or without social connections often choose to isolate and can feel resentful of the season. Furthermore, people often feel pressured to create a perfect story-book experience for their families.

An important factor to avoid the holiday blues is to take control over what you would like your holiday to be. Choose to forgo traditions that may be overwhelming and become comfortable with deciding what you can realistically make, give, buy, and handle. Allow yourself to decide which events to attend and be unapologetic about building in time for self-care activities that help you to reduce stress. 

Layering Stressors
The holidays can also be a time when some of our most stressful experiences seem to be amplified. If you have experienced any traumatic events in the last several months—such as the death of a loved one, divorce, loss of housing, major illness, or job loss—you may be at greater risk for mental health conditions. Depression, anxiety, and substance use disorder are some of the more common mental health issues resulting from trauma. Recognizing the signs and symptoms early can make all the difference in lessening the symptoms and promoting early recovery. The pandemic, while becoming a more normal part of life, also had a major effect on our collective and individual wellbeing. Its repercussions are still playing out, especially during the holidays.

Seasonal Affective Disorder
This time of year, some people experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). It affects approximately 5 percent of people, and it goes beyond the holiday blues. In fact, SAD is characterized as
“major depressive disorder with a seasonal pattern.” Symptoms of depression, regardless of when it occurs, include feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness; angry outbursts or irritability; loss of interest in things that typically bring joy; disrupted sleep, and many more.

If symptoms of depression remain, even after the days brighten and warm up, you could be struggling with depression. Depression affects nearly 20 percent of people over the course of a lifetime and symptoms can vary from person to person.

What to Do
If you feel you might have SAD or depression, you should speak with a counselor for proven treatments that can help. Locally, you can call 802-442-5491 or talk to your primary care provider.

If a friend, family member, or acquaintance has begun showing signs of withdrawal, including decreasing interactions with others, discontinuing their favorite activities, or increasing their use of alcohol or other drugs, it’s important to reach out and ask them about how they are doing. You don’t need to be a physician or mental health counselor to make a difference. Letting them know you are concerned and willing to help, as well as providing resources, is often the first step to reaching mental wellness.

Katie Aiken is a Blueprint Spoke Clinician with United Counseling Service in Bennington.



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Six Questions with the Medical Director of SVMC Orthopedics

Dr. Michaela Schneiderbauer, medical director of orthopedics and orthopedic surgeon, answers six questions about getting orthopedic care right now.

1. What types of patients are you able to treat right now?

We are happy to see patients with all sorts of conditions returning to the practice for care. Patients have heard that the Governor has lifted restrictions for elective procedures, and they are ready to investigate their options for joint pain relief. Plus, the weather is getting nice again, so people are active outside. We've seen an increase in injuries related to outdoor activity, too.

2. Are you seeing patients remotely via telemedicine?

Yes. We offer telemedicine, and we use it a lot. Of course, there are limitations for those that need an X-ray or a physical exam. But telemedicine is a great option for initial visits when we need to collect patients' health history and for follow-ups.

3. How has care in the office changed over the past several months?

Patients will notice that we have gone beyond all of the Centers for Disease Control and Vermont Department of Health recommendations for office visits. All of our staff are wearing masks and shields or goggles, and patients are expected to wear a cloth face covering when they come in. In addition, we are making efforts to limit the number of people in our waiting rooms and office at any one time. For example, part of the check-in process now happens on the phone, instead of in person.

4. How is preparing for a surgery and recovering from a surgery different since COVID-19 became a concern?

Like for office visits, our pre-surgery processes have all been ramped up well beyond the state and national recommendations designed to decrease risk of contracting COVID-19. A few days before the surgery, we test patients for COVID-19 and ask them to self-quarantine until their procedure. The patient arrives to the hospital in their own cloth face covering. Visitors are limited. After the procedure, we provide patients with an app that allows them to note their temperature and any type of respiratory symptoms for a few weeks. If any of the information falls outside the norm, a nurse gives the patient a call. These are all examples of ways we are going beyond our very high infection-prevention standards to ensure safety for patients, their families, and our staff.

5. What would you like to share with people who postponed a joint replacement or other orthopedic care because of COVID-19?

Here in Vermont cases of COVID-19 cases have been relatively low. The Governor has given his approval by lifting restrictions for elective procedures, even those requiring an overnight hospital stay. SVMC started with an exceptionally low rate of hospital-acquired infections and added many extra precautions on top of that. We have the attitude that it is definitely safe to resume care both surgeries and other types of orthopedic care.

6. What are the greatest risks and rewards related to having orthopedic care now?

From our position as one of the safest hospitals in one of the safest states, the risks of contracting COVID-19 and other illnesses during a procedure or other care are very low. Many patients know this. They are coming in for their procedures and joint replacements. Many of them will recover and be active again in time to really enjoy this summer. That’s our goal: to help every patient resolve their orthopedic issues so that they can get back to doing the things they love.

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