Exercise for Seniors
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2022

Exercise for Seniors

When combined with a healthy diet, quality sleep, an active social life, and preventative medical care, there nothing is more powerful than exercise to keep us feeling younger, stronger, mobile, and independent. But incorporating exercise into our daily lives can be challenging for some. Here are six key concepts to get you started or reinvigorate your exercise routine.

Put exercise on your schedule. As they say, failing to plan is planning to fail. So, consider the best time for exercise, and work it into your day. Many people find it beneficial to make exercise the first thing they do in the morning. Doing so holds many important benefits, including improved sleep, mood, focus, and more.

Start low and slow. Deciding to be more active, and thinking about all of the rewarding aspects of a healthy lifestyle, can be really exciting. Those thoughts can lead people to do too much too soon, which can cause soreness or injury and derail healthy efforts altogether. Instead, start slow. Consider your current activity level and add 15 minutes a day or increase the degree of intensity by a small amount.

Those who are not active at all could begin with 15 minutes of low-impact exercises a day. Low-impact exercises—like swimming, cycling, walking, and chair yoga—allow you to move without putting a lot of added stress on your joints. As you become stronger, you can move on to longer or more intense exercise sessions.

Upgrade with some variety. Once you have a routine of a few weeks, add exercises that improve strength, mobility, balance, and flexibility. Yoga and Tai Chi are two excellent opportunities to combine these concepts into a single workout. You might walk three days each week while doing a yoga video on three other days.

Increase the duration. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we should build up the duration of our workouts until we have reached at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous intensity exercise per week. Aim for at least two sessions, on different days, of strength-building exercise. Remember, some exercise is better than none.

Make it fun and enjoyable. The best workout is the one you will consistently do. There are so many ways to make workouts fun. Invite friends along, join a class, or dance to your favorite music. You can also cultivate an active outdoor hobby, like hiking, cross country skiing, or snowshoeing. (Be sure to follow safety recommendations.)  Outdoor workouts include extra benefits, like reduced anxiety, improved sleep, and strength-building terrain.

If it hurts, adjust or stop. Pain is not gain; it’s an indication that something could be going wrong. If you run into pain, do a less intense modification or stop. Choose an exercise that is more comfortable for you. Ask your doctor if you might be able to see a physical therapist to get you off to a good start.

As long as you continue to try new things and slowly and safely increase the intensity and duration of your workouts, you will be experiencing the major benefits movement has to offer.

Nina Nunes, PTA, is a physical therapy assistant who works at SVMC Outpatient Therapy and in Southwestern Vermont Medical Center's inpatient units. SVMC is part of Southwestern Vermont Health Care. 


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OB/GYN Care in a New Age

I am a strong believer in preventive care. Our patients are healthiest and OB/GYN physicians are most successful when we see each other at least annually and as soon as concerns arise. While this hasn't always been possible throughout the pandemic, I am happy to report that it is slowly getting easier to provide and receive care in the ways we had been used to, with a few adjustments for added safety.

I am especially concerned about patients who may have delayed care. While some concerns can safely wait a short while, putting off care in other situations may worsen the condition or the outcome. I encourage both new and returning patients to call the office to discuss resuming regular care and discussing any concerns that may have come up.

Here's what you can expect, including some of the innovative ways we are meeting patients' needs safely.

When you call the office, the receptionists will schedule an appointment for you. An easy telehealth option is great for reviewing results, developing care plans, providing contraceptive and fertility counseling, and consulting about weight management. For these purposes, the receptionist will likely recommend a televisit. It is very easy to connect and so convenient; while we love seeing you in person, we have to wonder why we haven’t been using telehealth appointments all along! Complete information about telehealth visits can be found here.

As you might expect, OB/GYN care often requires a physical examination, so many of our patient visits—including those for patients needing annual exams, testing, and therapeutic appointments—are still happening in person and in the office. The receptionists are working to stagger visits to decrease the number of people in the office at any one time.

Those coming to the office in person will notice a check-in station at the entrance to the Medical Office Building. The attendant will ask you a few questions about any symptoms you have and lend you a cloth face covering to use, if you don't have one. Wearing the mask over both your mouth and nose for your entire visit is required. For your safety and theirs, you will notice that all staff are wearing masks, too, along with either goggles or a shield. Hopefully you can still tell that we are all smiling, even under our masks!

If an outpatient elective surgical procedure is a part of your care plan, your OB/GYN and other staff will walk you through the process. A few changes, including COVID-19 testing in advance and intensified monitoring after the procedure, increases patient safety.

For those expecting to deliver a baby at SVMC, we are focused on maintaining all of the wonderful things our patients have come to expect from their experiences on the Women's and Children’s unit. Caring medical staff and nurses, individualized attention, and compassionate support are all in abundant supply.

Like when coming to the office, growing families will notice the check-in at the hospital's main entrance and staff wearing protective equipment. Our visitor’s policy indicates only one support person. We recognize that this is so challenging, and we are working to provide all of the support we can to bring your birth experience safely in line with what you had hoped, right down to the cheering support squad provided by a family via video chat during a delivery I attended earlier this week.

In the case that a family has had any exposure to COVID-19, the Women's and Children’s Unit has its own negative-pressure room. Extensive infection-prevention policies—consistent across all of the medical professionals involved with care for growing families, including OB/GYNs, pediatricians, midwives, and nurses—keep moms, babies, families, and staff safe. In fact, SVMC recently got a perfect score on a rigorous survey specifically designed to judge our infection-prevention measures.

Our ongoing commitment—pandemic or no pandemic, no matter your OB/GYN need—is to work through your concerns and deliver safe, individualized, and effective care for you. We hope that new and returning patients will call on us to help them maintain or regain their health. We are open, ready, and safe to provide the care you need.

Kimberley Sampson, MD, is the medical director of OB/GYN at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center.

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