5 Hard Truths About Vaping Every Teen Should Know
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

5 Hard Truths About Vaping Every Teen Should Know

It’s estimated that more than 2.1 million American middle and high school students use vaping, or e-cigarette products, making it the most popular tobacco product among youth.

Digging a little deeper, more than 1 in 4 (25.2%) of those users report using a vaping product every day.

While it’s difficult to discern what makes youths start vaping in the first place—peer pressure, effective marketing (9 out of 10 teen users opt for flavored products), natural curiosity, or a mistaken impression that it’s safer than smoking—what’s not difficult to understand is how dangerous it is; especially for developing brains and bodies.


 Here’s a look at the top five health concerns related to vaping:

1. Addiction

One of the primary concerns with vaping is its highly addictive nature. E-cigarettes typically contain nicotine, which is known to be as addictive as heroin. This addiction can be particularly harmful to developing brains, making it harder for young users to quit and potentially leading to the use of traditional cigarettes or other substances.

2. Lung Damage

Vaping exposes the lungs to a variety of chemicals, many of which can cause severe and permanent damage. In fact, vaping-associated lung injuries are so common they’ve earned their own name: EVALI. Brought on by the aerosol produced by e-cigarettes, EVALI can include chronic bronchitis, lung inflammation, and in extreme cases, life-threatening lung injuries.   

3. Brain Health

Even in small doses, nicotine use in young people can affect concentration, learning, memory, and impulse control. Some of these changes may be permanent, potentially altering mood and behavior into adulthood.

4. Unknown Long-Term Effects

Because vaping is a relatively new phenomenon, the long-term health effects are not yet fully understood. However, early research suggests that vaping may increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, impair immune function, and potentially lead to cancer due to the presence of carcinogenic compounds in some e-cigarette liquids.

5. Contamination Risks

The lack of regulation in the vaping industry makes it difficult for consumers to know exactly what they're inhaling. There’s a very real risk that the liquid used in vaping devices can be contaminated with harmful substances. In some cases, black market THC products have been linked to severe lung injuries.

It's crucial for individuals, especially young people and the people who care about them, to be aware of these risks.  


How to Talk to Your Teen About Vaping

1. Start the conversation early

  • Open Dialogue: Begin discussions about the dangers of vaping before your teen is exposed to it. Use age-appropriate language and be honest about the risks.

2. Be Informed

  • Educate Yourself: Learn about vaping and its effects so you can provide accurate information. Use reputable sources and be ready to answer questions.

3. Listen and Be Supportive

  • Active Listening: Encourage your teen to talk about their thoughts and experiences with vaping. Listen without judgment to understand their perspective.

  • Supportive Environment: Create a safe space for open communication. Let your teen know they can come to you with any questions or concerns.

4. Set Clear Expectations

  • Family Rules: Establish clear rules about vaping and explain the consequences of breaking them. Consistency is key.

  • Role Modeling: Set a good example by avoiding tobacco and vaping products yourself.


For help starting a conversation with teens, click here to be taken to a help guide from the American Lung Association.

Jaclyn Lozier, MD, FAAP, is the Chair of Pediatrics, Southwestern Vermont Medical Center and the Medical Director, SVMC Pediatrics.


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COVID and Kids

When I first heard the news about COVID-19, I was relieved as both a parent and pediatrician that it seemed unlikely to seriously affect children. However, more recently in both the literature and amongst colleagues, I began hearing about an uncommon but serious inflammatory disorder affecting some children with COVID-19. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control are calling this “Multi-System Inflammatory Syndrome in Children” or MIS-C.

My goal in writing today is to dispel myths about this new manifestation of the illness, provide helpful steps families can take to protect their kids from COVID-19, and assure that medical providers are aware of this new subset of COVID-19 and taking appropriate steps to keep your children safe.

Symptoms of MIS-C include inflammation in the skin and eyes, irritability and sluggishness, along with fever, rash, swollen lymph nodes, and abdominal pain. The symptoms are similar to a rare childhood illness called Kawasaki disease, which causes inflammation of the blood vessels and primarily affects children under 5 years of age.

There is very little known about MIS-C due to the small number of cases around the country. However, the medical community is monitoring this new syndrome very closely to learn all they can about it. I would like to emphasize that this condition is very rare and occurs a few weeks after a child has already recovered from COVID-19 infection.

As we have throughout the pandemic, pediatricians are urging families to take precautions to prevent their exposure to COVID-19. This includes reducing close contact with others by staying home as much as possible and avoiding congregating in groups. Anyone over the age of two should wear a mask when outside of the home.

Wash your hands and your child’s with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and sanitize frequently touched surfaces at least twice per day. Avoid touching your face and teach children to cough and sneeze into a tissue or their elbow. Aim to wash and dry plush toys about once a week.

There are special precautions to take if someone in your household is ill. See https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/if-you-are-sick/care-for-someone.html for details.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends creating a healthy routine for your children that includes balanced meals, learning at home, exercise, social connection (Facetime, videochat, and in person with household), and adequate rest. This will help your children remain both physically and mentally healthy during this stressful time. Continue to reassure your children that the medical community is working hard to keep them safe during this time. Be sure to monitor their media consumption, watch for signs of anxiety, and be a good role model in regards to COVID-19 safety measures.

Call your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your children’s health, including symptoms of COVID-19 or MIS-C listed above. There are still important reasons to bring your child physically into the office such as immunizations, developmental checks, and growth monitoring. We would like to reassure you that we are taking proper steps to allow your children to safely receive care at our offices.

More detailed information about keeping your child healthy is available at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/children.html. For information about obtaining healthy food or other basic needs for your family, dial 2-1-1.

Dr. Meghan Gunn is the medical director of SVMC Pediatrics.

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