Kathryn Czaplinski
/ Categories: NEWS, 2024

SVMC recognizes nurses for exceptional patient care and compassion

Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC), a member of Dartmouth Health, honored four nurses with DAISY awards this fall, recognizing exceptional care provided to patients.

The DAISY Award is an international recognition program honoring clinical excellence and outstanding compassionate care provided by nurses. Nurses are nominated by patients, families or colleagues and SVMC surprises the recipients with the honor. Awards are given out monthly.

Below are the most recent honorees and the submission SVMC received from their nominators.

Alexandra Martinez, BSN, RN – Medical-Surgical Unit

 “Multiple individuals across the departments wanted to recognize this nurse as they cared for a patient with prolonged hospitalization and an unfortunate poor prognosis. The patient’s birthday occurred while in hospital, and this RN worked to ensure that his birthday was celebrated as best as possible. This RN coordinated with multiple staff across departments to obtain small gift items, wrapped them, printed a card, obtained fresh cut flowers, had the kitchen bring up the patient’s favorite meal and a special dessert. In addition, This RN gathered many different staff members who came in to help present items to the patient. This RN was determined to ensure this man was celebrated. Thank you to this RN for providing this level of care, compassion and dedication. The patient and his family were extremely touched by this gesture. We are very fortunate to have this RN as part of our team role modeling excellence!”

Jaclyn Hoag, BSN, RN – Endoscopy

 “I had an endoscopy and colonoscopy today. My nurse noticed what appeared to be a discrepancy in my report of my medication. This prompted her to take deep dive into my gastroenterological record, in search of the correct dosage and prescribing doctor. While doing that, she asked additional medical history questions that I had not previously been asked, and looking even further into the record was able to find notations of a specific procedure that was recommended following my last scope, three years ago. Because this nurse took the time to consider something as simple as my report of my medication regiment, she was able to discover an important piece of my gastroenterological health that did not appear to be on anyone else’s radar, including my own.  I’ll now be able to get appropriate attention for that condition. Because of her professionalism, attention to detail, and helpful bedside manner, I would like to nominate her for this recognition.”

Megen Niquette, BSN, RN – Post-Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU)

 “Recently, my husband was in the hospital for procedure with Dr. S. His nurse while in recovery was one of the most compassionate and caring individuals, I have ever had the good fortune of meeting. She had explained to both my husband and I that she recently has the same procedure done herself.  She shared the dos and don’ts and what to expect, etc. Her first-hand account will no doubt, reduce post-op worries and it will lead to a speedy recovery. We have always had positive experiences at SVMC, but this nurse made this most recent experience so much more special because of the way she connected with us on a personal level. I also very much appreciate her willingness to share her story. SVMC is very fortunate to have nurses like her.”

Rosemary “Ro” Walsh, BSN, RN - Medical Surgical Unit

 “In January, I was hospitalized for 2 weeks prior to and following emergency surgery for a perforated bowel.  This nurse cared for me for several nights during the last and most emotional and physically difficult stage of the hospitalization. I was in pain, scared, angry, and ashamed of my body which I had little control over; in short, I was a mess. I remember feeling relief every time I heard that she would be my nurse, because I knew that I could rely on her to be comforting and supportive and to provide the care I needed.  One thing she did that was so helpful was with my wife, they gave me a bedtime routine that relaxed me and get me ready for to sleep for the night. Also, when I had difficulty with PT activities, she encouraged me by reminding me how far I had come which made me want to continue.  I feel like my description doesn’t do her justice, she was a lighthouse during a storm…A positive guide I could rely on when my life and body felt like a scary disaster.”

Pictured: Left to right: Alexandra Martinez, BSN, RN,  Jaclyn Hoag, BSN, RN,  Megen Niquette, BSN, RN,  Rosemary “Ro” Walsh, BSN, RN.



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Introducing Dr. Amy Freeth

Amy E. Freeth, MD, resumed endocrinology services at SVMC in March 2020. The practice, known as SVMC Endocrinology, is a part of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center (SVMC) and Southwestern Vermont Health Care (SVHC). It replaces the Bennington Osteoporosis Center, where Dr. David Gorson had provided similar services to the community until his retirement in 2019.

How do you describe endocrinology to people who don’t know what it is? The endocrine system is made up of glands that make hormones. These hormones are chemical messengers that travel via the bloodstream to communicate with the cells and organs of the body. Hormones are important for growth, development, mood, metabolism, and reproduction. These glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal, testes, and ovaries.

Endocrinology is a practice of medicine that specializes in disorders of these systems. Disorders most commonly are related to underactive or overactive function of these glands and require replacement of the hormone or specific treatments such as medications, ablation, or surgery.

Since hormones function in feedback loops and are part of a larger complex functional system that exists in flow with the human body, replacement hormones or treatment of endocrine disorders can be challenging and involve changes to our lifestyles that support the optimal functioning of the body.

What diagnoses are most common among the patients you treat?  Pituitary tumors, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, thyroid nodules, thyroid cancer, hyperparathyroidism, osteoporosis, diabetes, adrenal insufficiency, Cushing’s disease, primary hyperaldosteronism, pheochromocytoma, obesity, and polycystic ovarian syndrome.

What sorts of treatments do you offer? I offer comprehensive consultation and management of endocrine disorders. I also interpret testing and make treatment plans for endocrine disorders. I also provide interpretation of bone density reports and perform fine needle aspiration biopsies in collaboration with Radiology Associates of Bennington. Technology is increasingly becoming more important in the management of diabetes. Technology includes glucose meters, insulin pumps, and continuous glucose monitoring (sensors). I work with certified diabetes educators to create a team approach to diabetes management. As we develop this new department, we are looking for innovative ways to help people regain and optimize their health. I have training in nutrition counseling and health coaching to help people find their path to good health.

Why is it important for patients who need an endocrinologist see them regularly? Your endocrinologist is part of your health team and has experience and a deep understanding of what is happening within your body to help assess, guide, and co-manage your disorder. There is testing that may need to be done to make sure you are living with optimal hormonal balance. Allowing hormones to run too low or too high can have lasting adverse effects on the body leading to other disease or imbalances.

How do you help protect patients who need to come into the office from infections, like COVID-19? At this time, I am seeing patients via telemedicine and phone visits. This week we are starting to see a portion of our patients in the clinic. Patients can register on the phone and wait in their car until the room is ready. Patients will be screened for fever and should wear a mask. Staff will wear proper protective equipment and follow guidelines for handwashing and cleaning of the rooms.

Since many patients who will likely want to come to the endocrinology clinic will be members of high-risk populations (diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and the elderly), patients will have a choice of the type of visit they have.

Dr. Freeth sees patients 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. Tuesday - Thursday in Suite 307 of the Medical Office Building located at 140 Hospital Drive in Bennington. For an appointment, call 802-447-4555. The schedule will expand to additional days as needed.

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