Give the Gift of Life
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Give the Gift of Life

Give blood, give life: One hour out of your day can truly be life-saving

Every two seconds, someone in America needs a blood transfusion. Be it for scheduled surgeries and childbirth to trauma and cancer treatments, one in seven patients entering a hospital requires blood.

According to America's Blood Centers, 62% of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, but only 3% do. Although that generous 3% donates over 13 million units annually, it’s not enough to meet the ongoing need.

Did you know…?

  • A car accident victim can require as many as 100 units of blood.

  • Transfusions are needed in the U.S. in one out of every 83 deliveries.

  • More than a quarter of the U.S. blood supply is used by patients battling cancer.

  • Red blood cell donations must be transfused within 42 days of collection.

SOURCES: America’s Blood Centers and The Association for Blood Donor Professionals


If you’ve never given blood before, it’s natural to be nervous the first time. Here’s what you should know about giving and what to expect from the experience:

To Give

You must be:

  • Be 17 years of age or older, or 16 with parental consent.

  • Weigh at least 110 pounds. Additional weight requirements apply for donors 18 years old and younger and all high school donors.

  • In good health.

When Giving

You will need to:

  • Sign in, show an ID, and be asked to read some required information.

  • Answer some questions online or in a private interview and receive a general health check.

  • Be seated or lie down while blood is drawn, which will take only 8-10 minutes.


  • Beyond the initial needlestick that lasts one or two seconds, the process of donating is pain-free.

  • A Red Cross representative will be present to make sure you’re feeling well throughout the donation and to answer any questions you may have.

  • When you give blood, you also give away calories, about 650 per pint.

After Giving:

You will:

  • Be encouraged to enjoy a provided snack and a drink for 10-15 minutes before resuming your day.

  • You will be eligible to give again in 56 days.


In all, the entire donation process takes about an hour.

If you have questions about factors that may influence your ability to give, including tattoos, medications, blood pressure, etc., visit the American Red Cross Blood Services page. 

You may also want to check out the Red Cross’ “What to Expect” page, which is filled with helpful tips for ensuring your first (of hopefully many) donation goes smoothly.


To find blood donation centers and community blood drives, click here or visit the Red Cross website to schedule your donation.


Angela Theiss, MD, is a pathologist at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center, part of Southwestern Vermont Health Care, in Bennington. 


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Why Dental Hygiene is More Important than Ever

You may have heard that COVID-19 has inspired physicians to offer online appointments. For many health concerns, you can meet with your physician using your phone or computer and get care that is very similar to what you would have received in the office.

Regular dental check-ups and treatments, though, certainly cannot be done remotely. And the masks patients wear to prevent passing germs in other in-person medical visits cannot be worn during a dental appointment. These factors make it difficult to deliver safe dental care during this time. In fact, most dentists' offices have been closed for much of the pandemic. They will likely remain closed until we determine how to provide care safely.

Taking good care of your teeth and gums at home contributes to good oral health and good general health, too. A strong oral-health routine can help lessen the need for extensive dental care and some other types of care in the future. For all of these reasons, your at-home dental care routine is more important than ever.

Brush Twice You've likely heard the same message since grade school: brush at least twice a day. Not much, including even a pandemic, will change that. Be sure to use a fluoride toothpaste, and aim to spend about 2 minutes to clean your whole mouth.

Doing so decreases the amount of bacteria in your mouth and limits the formation of plaque. Bacteria and plaque can build up and cause painful cavities. Skipping brushing can also lead to gum disease.

Clean Between Teeth Daily Whether you use floss, an interdental brush, an oral irrigator, or a toothpick, you should clean between your teeth every day. What method is best? Just like exercise, the best method is the one that you will consistently do.

Follow a Healthy Diet As if you needed another reason to avoid sugary beverages and snacks! The link between sugar intake and cavities is very well established. And treatments for cavities are among the most common that dentists perform. Avoiding sugar will improve your oral health and will likely make a positive impact on your overall health, as well.

These tips represent general recommendations that would be appropriate for most patients. Your dentist might have additional recommendations for you, including mouth rinses or other specific steps you can take to maintain your dental health during COVID-19 and beyond.

If you have questions, give your dentist’s office a call. Even if they are not right in the office, they will likely provide a way for you to reach out to get your questions answered.

Michael Brady, DDS, is the medical director of SVMC Dentistry.

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