Grace Weatherby
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2023

Boost Your Heart Health this Holiday Season

The holidays are meant to be a time for good cheer and rejoicing. Unfortunately, for far too many Americans, the holidays are also when they’re most likely to experience a heart attack.

According to the American Heart Association, December 25 and January 1 are the top two days when Americans are most likely to die from cardiac arrest.

While it’s difficult to eliminate the stress and opportunities to overindulge, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk of suffering a cardiac event.

Here’s where to start:

1. Celebrate in moderation: If you’re headed to an event where food and drink will be plentiful, have a healthy snack before you go lessen the chance you’ll overeat. At the event, fill up first on high-fiber, low-calorie foods like raw fruits and vegetables. Follow that up with any lean proteins, like chicken or shrimp, which will work to slow your digestion and make you feel full. If you’re still hungry, take small amounts of carb-heavy foods, like bread, chips, pasta and, of course, cookies. Listen to your body and stop eating when you’re full.  

2. Keep moving: Even if your calendar’s full of events and gatherings, there’s always time for a bit of physical activity. A 10- to 15-minute walk after a meal or while you’re on the phone chatting with friends will do your heart good. Exercise is also a good way to work off or step away from any stress that may be weighing on you. 

3. Stick to a schedule: Traveling and/or hosting company can make it hard to stick to your regular routine over the holidays. But it’s important to take all prescribed medications as and when directed and to get a good night’s sleep. Falling out of rhythm or behind on either can place unnecessary stress your heart. If you need help staying on top of your needs, set an alarm on your phone to alert you it’s time to take your meds and or to step away from the fun to ensure you get a good and full night’s sleep.

In addition, it’s important to recognize the signs of a heart attack early before a lot of damage occurs.

If you or someone else experiences any of the following warning signs, don’t hesitate. Call 911.

  • Chest discomfort: Most heart attacks—especially in men—involve a sense of heaviness or uncomfortable pressure in the center of the chest that lasts more than a few minutes. The pressure may go away and then return. 
  • Upper body discomfort: Symptoms can include pain or discomfort in the upper back, neck, jaw, one or both arms, or stomach.
  • Shortness of breath: This can occur with or without chest discomfort.
  • Heart palpitations: Palpitations, which may feel like a fast beating or fluttering heart, are more common in women.
  • Other signs: Other potential signs of a heart attack include breaking out in a cold sweat, lightheadedness, nausea, or vomiting.

The sooner medical treatment begins, the better the chances of survival and preventing heart damage.

Scott Rogge, MD, FACC, is the Medical Director at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center Cardiology


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Why Dental Hygiene is More Important than Ever

You may have heard that COVID-19 has inspired physicians to offer online appointments. For many health concerns, you can meet with your physician using your phone or computer and get care that is very similar to what you would have received in the office.

Regular dental check-ups and treatments, though, certainly cannot be done remotely. And the masks patients wear to prevent passing germs in other in-person medical visits cannot be worn during a dental appointment. These factors make it difficult to deliver safe dental care during this time. In fact, most dentists' offices have been closed for much of the pandemic. They will likely remain closed until we determine how to provide care safely.

Taking good care of your teeth and gums at home contributes to good oral health and good general health, too. A strong oral-health routine can help lessen the need for extensive dental care and some other types of care in the future. For all of these reasons, your at-home dental care routine is more important than ever.

Brush Twice You've likely heard the same message since grade school: brush at least twice a day. Not much, including even a pandemic, will change that. Be sure to use a fluoride toothpaste, and aim to spend about 2 minutes to clean your whole mouth.

Doing so decreases the amount of bacteria in your mouth and limits the formation of plaque. Bacteria and plaque can build up and cause painful cavities. Skipping brushing can also lead to gum disease.

Clean Between Teeth Daily Whether you use floss, an interdental brush, an oral irrigator, or a toothpick, you should clean between your teeth every day. What method is best? Just like exercise, the best method is the one that you will consistently do.

Follow a Healthy Diet As if you needed another reason to avoid sugary beverages and snacks! The link between sugar intake and cavities is very well established. And treatments for cavities are among the most common that dentists perform. Avoiding sugar will improve your oral health and will likely make a positive impact on your overall health, as well.

These tips represent general recommendations that would be appropriate for most patients. Your dentist might have additional recommendations for you, including mouth rinses or other specific steps you can take to maintain your dental health during COVID-19 and beyond.

If you have questions, give your dentist’s office a call. Even if they are not right in the office, they will likely provide a way for you to reach out to get your questions answered.

Michael Brady, DDS, is the medical director of SVMC Dentistry.

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