Keeping Your Child's Brain Safe from Concussions
Grace Weatherby
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

Keeping Your Child's Brain Safe from Concussions

For parents, guardians, and anyone charged with looking after kids, safety is always a priority. At or near the top of every list of safety concerns should be concussions. 

A type of traumatic brain injury, concussions can occur from a blow to the head or even the body. Any type of impact that causes the brain to move rapidly inside the skull can cause a concussion.

When the brain gets rattled around, brain tissue can stretch, damaging brain cells. The damage can make it difficult for the cells to function properly. And because the brain is essentially the body’s control center, the effects of a concussion can be far-reaching. 

Some people (less than 10%) who suffer a concussion may lose consciousness, making it obvious that something’s amiss in the brain. But, for the remaining 90%, the symptoms of a concussion may be very subtle and may not even show up as much two days after the event that caused it.

Some common, immediate symptoms of concussion are:

  • Amnesia. Some people have memory loss of the moments just before the hit or injury.
  • Feeling disoriented or confused. Concussion can cause an immediate change in mental status.
  • Losing consciousness. 
  • Vomiting. Throwing up right after a hit to the head is a red flag for concussion.

Other symptoms that may happen quickly or appear later:

  • Changes in mood, such as feeling irritable, anxious, or overly emotional
  • Cognitive trouble, such as feeling foggy and troubles with memory and/or focus
  • Dizziness, especially that which feels like motion sickness
  • Fatigue, and a general feeling of sluggishness, especially after a long day.
  • Headache or a feeling of pressure in the head
  • Severe headache, accompanied by nausea and light sensitivity
  • Light sensitivity without a headache
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Nausea, can last for a few days or even weeks
  • Sleeping problems, including having trouble falling and staying asleep or sleeping more than usual
  • Blurry vision  

Because very young children can’t always express what they’re feeling, it’s important to keep an eye out for the following symptoms that may indicate a concussion: 

  • Lack of interest in favorite toys, games or activities
  • Excessive crying
  • Irritability or general sense of dis-ease
  • Dazed appearance
  • Vomiting
  • Change in sleeping or eating habits
  • Altered or lack of coordination and balance
  • General lack of energy

If you suspect a child has a concussion, it’s important to see a medical professional for an evaluation and to ensure a more serious injury hasn’t occurred.

As for treatment, rest is essential to helping the brain to heal.

Concussion recovery times vary from person to person and injury to injury. Healing may take weeks, months or even a year depending on the severity of the injury. Throughout this period, it is essential your child refrains from sports or roughhousing, which may contribute to further damage (and an even longer recovery period).

Your child’s doctor will work with you to establish a schedule and plan for resuming normal activities—including school—and may advise you on limiting screen time and restricting driving if your child has a license.

If your child is involved in sports, ask for written instructions regarding their return to practice and play and share this information with their coaches, as well as the school nurse.

Of course, the best approach to brain safety for people of all ages is prevention.

The Brain Injury Alliance of Vermont recommends taking the following precautions:

Buckle up. Everyone in a vehicle should wear a seat belt. Children under 12 should always sit in the back seat. Infants, toddlers and children – according to their weight – should use child safety seats or booster seats

Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Ever.

Wear a helmet Helmets should be worn in all action sports like, biking, skiing/snowboarding, skate boarding, lacrosse, roller blading, etc. It is also important that they fit properly. For tips on helmet safety and fit for a variety of activities, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Heads Up” page.

Avoid falls Unnecessary risks lead to accidents. Remove tripping hazards. Keep pathways clear. Avoid or limit alcohol intake. Get your eyes checked regularly. Immediately clean spilled liquids, grease or food. Use nonslip mats in your bathtub or shower.  Make sure your home is well-lit to avoid tripping.

Make your home safer Install window guards to keep young children from falling out of open windows. Use safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs when young children are around.

Exercise Studies have shown the more you keep your muscles toned, the less likely you are to lose your balance and fall.


Judy K. Orton, MD, FAAP is a member of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center’s pediatric care team.


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Interview with Jeff Silverman: 3D Printer

Jeff Silverman is a Wilmington native, a volunteer firefighter, and a business owner. From an addition to his Whitingham, Vermont, farm house, his company, Inertia Unlimited, develops camera technology for broadcast television.

"We make them out of thin air," he says.

Actually, he uses a 3D printer to make prototypes and one-of-a-kind cameras for very specific purposes, including those that sit in the dirt in front of a batter during Major League Baseball games and the ones built into NASCAR racetracks.

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, Jeff has printed 463 face shields for first responders in the Deerfield Valley and healthcare workers at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center and other places. He has delivered them free of charge.

When and how did you first become interested in printing shields for first responders? In one day, every job we had disappeared. We went from having 20 – 30 jobs to zero in one day. Our first thought was that we would use the materials and talent we typically use to sew the pouches for our cameras to make masks. But we quickly found that the proper materials and techniques were not available to make effective masks. Plus so many other people were making them. They had it covered.

On Sunday, March 22, I read in the New York Times that a company in Syracuse, NY, had made a design to 3D print face shields available online. By noon that day I was printing. Since then the printer has not stopped.

How does it work? The printer converts the design into a 3D object using filament that is the width of a human hair, adding layer by layer. The printer takes 2 hours to print one shield. I have produced 380 shields so far. That's 1000 hours of printing. I take from midnight to 5 a.m. off. We've done more 3D printing in the last month and a half than we had in the previous 5 years.

Describe the shields. It was important to me to produce something that was good quality. Sometimes the ones you buy don’t clean up very well. These can survive UV light and other sterilization. They are rough and tough.

Where have you distributed them? First I gave them to the firefighters in Wilmington and Whitingham, where I am a volunteer. Then I gave some to the Deerfield Valley Rescue. I have sent 324 to Southwestern Vermont Health Care, some to SVMC Deerfield Valley Campus; Golden Cross Ambulance Service and Sojourns Community Clinic, both in Westminster, VT; and Rescue Inc. in Brattleboro. I sent some to a dentist in Portland, ME, who asked, and 10 to North Central Bronx Hospital to a friend who works there.

What's your greatest accomplishment? I went to Wilmington High School in the late 70s, and Dave Larson, who was the social studies teacher and former longtime VT state representative, had a video camera. He let me borrow it to film field hockey games. At the end of the season, they gave me a varsity letter for my film work. I have won Emmys since, but that varsity letter is special, because it represented the beginning.

What's next? We look forward to reopening. For us, it's the easiest thing in the world. No client ever comes here. We didn't lay anybody off. We hired locals. All are full-time with benefits. We think Vermont is a great place for low-impact companies like ours, and we hope more companies discover Vermont and come here to provide well-paid jobs.

And I am really looking forward to turning the printer off.

On behalf of Southwestern Vermont Health Care's frontline staff, thank you to Jeff for his tireless efforts to provide vital equipment to our teams. We appreciate it!

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