Thanks to our Community!
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2021

Thanks to our Community!

We are seeing increased cases of COVID-19 in our area. We want to take a moment to thank our community members for all the work they have done to make this most recent increase more manageable and for continuing to do the things that will help us navigate the increase safely together.

Thank you for getting vaccinated. We are in a much better situation than many communities in our country, because so many of our citizens have received the vaccine. Thank you! We know that a vast majority of hospitalized patients are unvaccinated. By getting vaccinated, you have kept yourself and your family well and out of the hospital, and we really appreciate that. Please note that it isn’t too late to get your vaccine. The information you need to get vaccinated is located conveniently at

Thank you for masking as recommended. We know that it is difficult to continue wearing masks, but it is an important safeguard against the more contagious and more serious Delta variant. Please continue to wear your mask while indoors with those you are not certain have been vaccinated. Wearing masks in school settings is recommended at this time.

Thank you for following directions when you learn that you may have been exposed to COVID. It can be tempting to disregard information about an exposure, especially if you are feeling well. Instead, please quarantine until you get tested. Local information about testing, including how to make an appointment online, is available at Continue to quarantine until you receive your results, and follow all directions you are given at that time. These directions will help keep you and your close contacts safe.   

Thank you for your patience. There are unpredictable spikes in testing demand. You may find yourself in line for a test. We appreciate your patience as we adjust and improve our process. Remember that wait times are decreased when most people schedule appointments online and show up for their appointments on time.

Thank you for not taking treatment into your own hands. We are beginning to hear frightening stories about harm caused to patients when they take medications designed for other purposes. Instead, consult a healthcare professional. We do have many recommendations and some proven-effective treatments to help ensure your safety as you recover from COVID.

Thank you for staying informed. If you are reading this, you already know how to receive important updates in the future. We anticipate announcing booster shots for some groups in the coming weeks. Perhaps as early as this winter, we hope to share information about vaccinations for those under age 12. Keeping up to date with good information is so helpful in our collective fight against COVID. Thank you so much.

Marie George, MD, FIDSA, is an infectious disease specialist at SVMC Infectious Disease, a part of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington. 


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