Five Questions with Same-Day Joint Surgery Patient Linda Corey
Linda Corey is active in her job at Bennington Project Independence. She enjoys walking, especially around Old Bennington. When hip pain started to interfere with her life, she knew she needed to get help.
SVMC: How did you know that you needed surgery on your hip?
LC: My hip just started bothering me a lot in March, and it kept getting worse. My primary care provider gave me a cortisone shot, which made it feel a little better for a couple of days. Then it was just awful. I went to SVMC Orthopedics and got an X-Ray. There was no doubt about it. They said, “You need a hip replacement.”
SVMC: What was your first appointment with Dr. Schneiderbauer like?
LC: When she told me I needed a hip replacement, I asked “Will do you do it?” She said, “Yes.” I asked, “Are you good at it?” She said, “Yes.” That was all the assurance I needed. I decided to do it right then. I was scheduled to take the Joint Replacement Class over the summer, and the surgery was scheduled for August 25.
SVMC: How did the surgery go?
LC: It went well. Whenever I am in a hospital, as soon as I know who I am and what I am doing, I want to be home. I was so glad when they told me it was safe for me to go home. I was home 7 hours after the surgery.
SVMC: How has your recovery been?
LC: Wonderful. Everything hurt before. It hurt to sit. It hurt to lay down. Now, it’s all good. I can walk without pain.
SVMC: What would you recommend others with joint pain do?
LC: Get into SVMC Orthopedics. The horrible pain is gone. I highly recommend it.