SVMC cardiology




You get one life and you get one heart. The board-certified cardiologists and associated practitioners at SVMC Cardiology are committed to helping you make the most of both.

Our patient-centered approach to care and personalized care plans maximize your quality of life while delivering the treatment you need when you need it.

Creating the appropriate treatment plan for your condition begins with a cardiac consultation. Your consultation is a chance for you to share your health history and current concerns with your cardiologist. All necessary exams and tests are conducted on-site by your cardiac care team. The results are shared and discussed directly with you so that you fully understand your condition, treatment options, associated risks, and potential lifestyle changes.

After a heart episode or surgery, there’s nothing our cardiac team and you want more than for you to just get back on your feet and live the life you want. That’s why we begin your rehabilitation program before you even leave the hospital. Through a combination of education and exercise, your personalized program will help you build strength and reduce your risk factors. Using the full range of cardio equipment in our Cardiac Rehab Center and under the watchful eye of our rehab team, you’ll improve your heart’s strength and capacity and get closer to resuming a full and active lifestyle. For more information about Cardiac Rehabilitation, click here.

In order to understand how well your heart is or isn’t functioning, an echocardiogram may be performed. This non-invasive procedure uses sound waves to produce images of your heart. Both of SVMC’s cardiologists are board certified in echocardiography and able to observe how your heart is pumping and identify any abnormalities in the heart muscle or valves. An echocardiogram allows our team to make the most informed and appropriate recommendations for the next steps in your care.

If a standard echocardiogram does not provide a clear image of your heart, your SVMC care team may recommend a transesophageal echocardiogram or TEE. Performed at the hospital, this procedure involves inserting a flexible tube containing a transducer down your throat and into your esophagus. From this closer vantage point, the transducer then uses sound waves to create more detailed images of your heart and allows for better diagnosis.

Before we treat your heart, we need understand how it’s performing. At SVMC we offer a number of non-invasive stress tests that can quickly and easily reveal a number of things including: how well your heart works during increasing levels of activity; how certain medications are impacting blood flow; the effectiveness of procedures done to improve heart performance; and more.

If you have risk factors for heart disease, calcium scoring may may help you learn more about whether you are actually at risk. The non-invasive test uses high-speed CT imaging technology to measure the hardening of the heart’s arteries, a leading indicator of heart disease and heart attacks. Visit the calcium scoring page for complete details. 

A pacemaker is one of the most effective ways to ensure a heart maintains a steady, healthy beat. The SVMC cardiac team is exceptionally skilled and experienced at both pacemaker implantation and monitoring. Considered a minor surgery, implantation takes place at the hospital with most patients returning to normal activity (and a more steadily beating heart) within a few days. Like all medical equipment, pacemakers need a little TLC every now and then. At SVMC our cardiac team can perform routine monitoring, both remotely and in the office, and reprogramming as needed.

One of the most common cardiac diagnostic tools, an EKG is a painless way to check for problems with the electrical activity of your heart. The EKG translates and records your heart’s electrical activity over a period of time and translates it into waves. Your SVMC care provider can use printouts of the waves to detect any patterns that might point to a specific condition and put together a treatment plan that meets your specific needs.

Should your SVMC cardiac care provider want to monitor your heart over a longer period of time than is practical for a standard EKG, you may be given a Holter or event monitor. Worn outside the body and completely painless, monitors are helpful in detecting abnormalities that only happen occasionally and can help your doctor link any abnormalities to specific activities or events in your day.

Carotid ultrasound
At SVMC our goal is to treat your health issues before they become problems. Using our sophisticated carotid ultrasound test, your cardiac care provider can detect blockages in your neck arteries that could lead to a stroke or indicate problems in other parts or your circulatory system.

Because understanding what causes heart problems is essential to resolving them, we offer a variety of educational resources to patients and their families.  Workshops are offered on an ongoing basis throughout the Dartmouth-Hitchcock network, and condition-specific literature is available in our offices. 

140 Hospital Drive, Suite 211, Bennington, VT 05201
Phone: (802) 442-0800
Fax: (833) 343-1597

Monday – Friday:  8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.

For directions to SVMC Cardiology, click here. 

For appointments at SVMC Cardiology, park in parking area P3 or P5.

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    All About Fibromyalgia
    / Categories: WELLNESS, 2021

    All About Fibromyalgia

    The Ache That Just Won’t Go Away

    If you’re over thirty (or under thirty and just not treating yourself that well), you’ve experienced those days when everything hurts. Any movement is a painful experience. Luckily, for most of us, a few Advil or simply the passage of time is enough to resolve things. For some, however, the diffuse achiness is a chronic issue. Scientists are just starting to understand what causes this condition, called fibromyalgia, and only in the last decade or so have there been effective treatments. There is no cure. Fortunately, though, there are proven strategies to help reduce the symptoms and help fibromyalgia sufferers lead a more normal and enjoyable life.

    This condition was first described in 1976, and it took more than 10 years for scientists to accept it. A landmark paper published in 1990 helped promote better understanding in the general medical community. “Myo” is the medical term for muscles, and “algia” means pain. So, “fibromyalgia” means painful muscle fibers. It was previously called Fibromaylgia Rheumatica. The added word referred to the now disproven theory that the illness was caused by an autoimmune disorder, a problem caused by the patient’s own immune system inappropriately aimed against itself. The accepted proper name now is Fibromyalgia Syndrome (FMS).

    Approximately 5 percent of the population will suffer with FMS at some point in their life. Women are stricken almost eight times more often than men. Of the thousands of cases per year initially diagnosed in the United States, a significant percentage are ultimately found to actually have other disorders, like Lyme disease, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or celiac disease. For those for whom the diagnosis of FMS sticks, most will suffer with it for years, if not the rest of their lives.

    Doctors consider the diagnosis of fibromyalgia when a patient presents with diffuse muscle aches not explained by overuse or strain. Fatigue and reduced endurance are frequent accompanying symptoms. Mildly reduced cognitive function (called FibroFog) may be present as well. The patient cannot tolerated even light exercise. Routine daily activities that most of us do without a second thought become an exercise in pain tolerance and perseverance. A classic finding is the presence of trigger points, areas of the body that, when touched lightly, provoke marked pain. The scenario is one of exaggerated discomfort and exhaustion to minimal stressors. During a physician evaluation, testing is done to check for the diseases mentioned above. Heavy metal poisoning and vitamin deficiencies are frequently ruled out as well.

    The underlying problem of fibromyalgia syndrome is now pretty well understood. It is actually a neurological condition in which there is unregulated transmission of intense pain signals. Normally, an electrical impulse from a body part is modified and dampened before it reaches the part of our brain that allows awareness of it. In this way, the myriad of stimuli we are exposed to every day are manageable. In FMS, a neurochemical imbalance is present, which renders the mechanism that mutes those powerful pain signals ineffective. The neurological basis of this disorder is confirmed by comparison of brain scans of patients with fibromyalgia syndrome to those who are healthy. Distinct differences in the brainstem are noted.

    What provokes this nervous system dysfunction at the root of fibromyalgia? Viral infections have been effectively ruled out. Stress remains a possible cause, as there is a correlation between chronic stress and the associated chronically elevated adrenaline level and FMS. Additionally, there is a strong relationship between depression and FMS. It is felt that the same neurochemical imbalance that disrupts mood may also result in nerve hypersensitivity. Sleep deprivation is felt to be a potential cause, too. Studies show that volunteers repeatedly blocked from entering stage IV sleep develop the same inability to inhibit pain messages that FMS sufferers have. One other theory is that sensitivity to gluten (a common component of modern grains) is the trigger.

    Treatment for fibromyalgia is in its infancy, and many sufferers have to try several different strategies before finding one that helps them. Total avoidance of gluten as a trial for at least 6 weeks is advised. If helpful, this dietary restriction should be continued indefinitely. Prescriptions are also available to help FMS patients. Medications previously used to calm the nervous system in folks with seizures (Neurontin and Lyrica) can help by suppressing the overly intense pain messages sent to the brain. Serotonin boosters (typically called antidepressants) like Zoloft and Prozac work to restore pain inhibition function and can provide significant relief. Exercise, that cure for so many human ills, also has a place in the treatment of fibromyalgia. Its benefits have been felt to be mainly due to the restoration of normal (including stage IV) sleep. Finally, a specific type of psychological therapy, called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, can allow an FMS patient to manage their symptoms more effectively and lead to a normal life. It can also alleviate the commonly associated depression. Researchers believe cognitive behavioral therapy should be a part of any FMS treatment plan.

    So if you or a loved one are feeling achy and tired all the time, it may be more than just stress and exhaustion. Get checked out by your doctor! There are many scientific options that could help you enjoy a healthier and better quality of life, even if you are found to have that dreaded “mystery” condition, fibromyalgia.

    Patrice Thornton, MD, is an internal medicine physician at SVMC Northshire Campus in Manchester Center, VT. The practice is part of Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington.



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