SPF: It’s Not Just for Summer
Courtney Carter
/ Categories: WELLNESS, 2024

SPF: It’s Not Just for Summer

If you equate sunscreen with summer and tuck it away once the weather turns cool, you may need to rethink your strategy.

While it’s true that UVB rays are strongest in the summer, they can cause sunburn and lead to damage any season of the year. Winter is of particular concern in our region as snow reflects up to 80% of UV rays, meaning you’re getting nearly a double dose of damaging rays on sunny days. Without proper protection, all that exposure can increase your risk of developing skin cancer and joining the ranks of the estimated 9,500 Americans diagnosed with skin cancer every day. Tragically, one person dies of melanoma—the deadliest type of skin cancer— every hour, every day. 

To reduce your risk in winter and beyond, keep these facts in tip in mind:

Elevation matters

Snowsport lovers have a higher chance of skin damage during the winter months as UV levels rise 4-5% with every 1000 feet of elevation above sea level gained.

Every day is a sunscreen day

Regardless of the temperature or cloud cover, applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to exposed skin should be a part of your daily routine. For best results, apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before heading outdoors.

The lips don’t lie

With very little melanin, the pigment that helps protect against sunburn, the lips are one of the most vulnerable parts of the body and the most prone to painful sunburn. To protect your lips, apply a lip balm with an SPF of 30 or higher when venturing out in any season. Be sure to reapply frequently, especially if eating, drinking, or swimming.

Measure once, apply twice (at least)

Sunscreen only works if you apply the correct amount and repeat application for extended stays outside. For your face, ears and neck, use approximately ⅓ teaspoon to ½ teaspoon of sunscreen. For the full body, bump the amount up to 1 to 2 ounces (enough to fill a shot glass). Be sure to re-apply every two hours and after swimming or heavy sweating.

You missed a spot

Parts of the body commonly missed when applying sunscreen include:

  • Tops of the ears

  • Back of the hands

  • Tops of the feet

  • Lips

  • Sides of the neck

  • Behind the knees

  • Eyelids

  • Scalp

  • Upper chest.


Lixia Ellis, MD, PhD is a dermatologist at SVMC Dermatology.


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Resuming Regular Care

So many important medical appointments were booked for March and April and canceled during the height of the pandemic. Now we are beginning to refocus on the fact that skipping appointments, even if you are feeling well now, could become harmful.

One important group of patients that we are eager to see are those with serious chronic conditions. These diseases require patients to see their primary care provider or a specialist at least once a year and sometimes far more frequently than that. Those with heart failure, kidney disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, for instance, all require regular contact with your provider.

Another group of patients we'd like to see are those with new medical concerns. We know that new medical concerns don't stop during a pandemic. Some conditions, like depression and anxiety, are far more prevalent during a pandemic than before. In many cases, new conditions are easiest to treat when patients first notice symptoms, and delaying care for these conditions can be dangerous.

Even regular care for those who are healthy is as important as ever. Other diseases—cancer in particular—haven't gone away. So, if you would normally be getting a screening such as a colonoscopy or mammogram, it's time to schedule an appointment. Many cancers can be detected and treated early with better outcomes. We can only expect those good results, if people are screened.

For children, regular vaccines are very important. If a big portion of the population neglects to get important childhood vaccines on schedule, we may be susceptible to outbreaks of measles or whooping cough.

There are many steps we have taken to improve safety for those seeking medical care. The first one is the availability of telemedicine. If the condition you are seeking treatment for does not require diagnostics or a physical exam, your provider can meet you virtually using any Internet-enabled device or over the phone. See details here.

If you do need to come to the office, you will notice check-ins at entrances, where staff check patients and visitors for respiratory symptoms and ensure that all are masked. You'll also notice efforts to space the waiting rooms to improve social distancing.

So how do you get the care you need?

  • If you have a primary care provider, call in to see what you may have missed during the pandemic. Did you miss an appointment to manage a chronic condition? Also share any new health concerns you have and check that you and your family members are up to date on all of your screenings and vaccinations.
  • If you don’t have a regular doctor, it makes sense to get one now. Locally, call the find-a-provider line at 802-447-5007 for a directory of practices that are accepting new patients.
  • Those with time-sensitive medical needs can use ExpressCare, a walk-in clinic, on the hospital campus in Bennington. Be sure to call ahead to 802-440-4077 if you have respiratory symptoms.
  • For Emergency Care, always come directly to the SVMC Emergency Department.

Most off all, we want our patients to know that we are here for them. There is no longer a need to delay medical care, whether for known conditions, new concerns, or preventive care. In every step we take, we are protecting patients against COVID-19 and helping patients with all of their other medical needs, too.

Bob Schwartz, MD, is associate medical director of Dartmouth- Hitchcock Putnam Physicians at Southwestern Vermont Medical Center in Bennington and a family medicine physician at SVMC Northshire Campus in Manchester.

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